Option Setting File

The Option Setting File is an XML file which describes the operating setup for Antenna House Formatter V7.4. It can be loaded by the -i option in Command-line Interface, etc. In Windows Graphical User Interface, the Option Setting File is loaded automatically if AHFSettings.xml (AHFSettings(x86).xml for Windows x86 version) exists in the application-specific data directory. The application data directory is indicated by the environment variable APPDATA, it is [APPDATA]\AntennaHouse\Formatter\7.4\.

When the content of the Option Setting File is corrected with the editor, etc. while Antenna House Formatter V7.4 is running, the correction is not reflected to Antenna House Formatter V7.4. Exit Antenna House Formatter V7.4 once or load the Option Setting File from the [Format]-[Import Option Setting Dialog] menu in GUI.

The following are the elements of the Option Setting File:

<formatter-config>root element You can specify


for the namespace. If omitted, this namespace is considered.
<formatter-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of Formatter Settings.
<font-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of Font Settings.
<script-font>child of <font-settings>The element of generic font settings for each script.
<font-alias>child of <font-settings>The element of font alias settings.
<pdf-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of PDF Output Settings.
<embed-font>child of <pdf-settings>The element of embedding font settings.
<ps-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of PostScript Output Settings.
<svg-render-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of SVG Rendering Settings.
<svg-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of SVG Output Settings.
<text-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of TEXT Output Settings. no-LT
<mathml-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of MathML Settings.
<cgm-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of CGM Settings.
<xslt-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of XSLT Settings.
<param>child of <xslt-settings>The element of xsl:param settings.
<stylesheet>child of <xslt-settings>The element of default stylesheet settings.
<analyzer-settings>child of <formatter-config>The element of Analyzer Settings. no-LT

Antenna House Formatter V7.4 allows you to specify one of the following units for the parameter (designated with asterisk “*” sign) that takes the length value. In addition to these, relative units like em or % can be specified for the parameter with double asterisk “**” sign.

mmmillimeter. 1mm = 0.1cm
ininch. 1in = 2.54cm
ptpoint. 1pt = 1in/72
pcpica. 1pc = 12pt
jpt1jpt = 0.3514mm
q1q = 0.25mm

Formatter Settings

These settings are used for the formatting.

<formatter-settings>child of <formatter-config>
abbreviation-character-count3Specify the number of characters considered an abbreviation when a line break is inserted. See also axf:abbreviation-character-count.
append-non-end-of-line-charactersSpecifies to append the non-end-of-line characters. White spaces are disregarded even though they are specified. See also axf:append-non-end-of-line-characters in extended FO.
append-non-starter-charactersSpecifies to append the non-starter characters. White space characters are disregarded even though they are specified. See also axf:append-non-starter-characters in extended FO.
apply-default-html-css-to-XMLtrueSpecifies whether to apply the Default CSS for HTML (html.css) even for XML+CSS.
html.css is made for (X)HTML. In other words, XHTML targets elements whose namespace is http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml, so it is not applied to any other XML. However, pseudo-elements do not belong to any namespace, so they are applied to XML other than XHTML. If false is specified, html.css will not be applied to XML other than XHTML.
auto-break-footnotetrueSpecifies whether to break the footnote automatically when axf:footnote-max-height="auto" is specified.
auto-formatter-typehtmlWhen the detection of formatting type is set automatically and the decision of XHTML or HTML is unclear, the priority can be given by specifying the following values:
  • html
  • xhtml
See also Detection of Formatting Type.
avoid-orphan-single-wordpol, hun, cesPolish, Hungarian, Czech, etc. are not allowed to have single-letter words at the end of the line. Specify such languages separated by commas. You can cancel the process by specifying an empty string or false.
avoid-widow-words-cjk-punctuationfalse Specifies the initial value when axf:avoid-widow-words-cjk-punctuation="auto" is specified. You can specify false, true, or any string.
axf-formatter-configtrueSpecifies whether the use of <axf:formatter-config> in FO is permitted by a value of true or false. When false is specified, <axf:formatter-config> will be ignored. The setting of axf-formatter-config within <axf:formatter-config> will be ignored. no-LT
baseline-mode6In Antenna House Formatter V6, there are some changes from XSL Formatter V4 in deciding the baseline in the text with different scripts like a mixture of Western and Japanese. The following values can be specified.
  1. Operates the same as XSL Formatter V4.
  2. Adds the improved operation by Antenna House Formatter V5.
  3. Adds the improved operation by Antenna House Formatter V6.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V6.0. In addition, when baseline-mode="4" is specified, the text-altitude and text-depth properties are invalid.
bold-ratio1.0Specifies how thick a font should be displayed when bold is specified for fonts that do not have bold in the font family. When 1.0 is specified, only the amount decided by the system is made thicker. For instance, when 1.5 is specified, it is drawn 1.5 times thicker. When 0.0 or less is specified, it is considered 1.0 thick. This setting is effective with PDF Output and PostScript® Output.
border-medium-widthXSL-FO Samples CollectionCreating optional spaces around text inside a blockPadding and border in a tableSpecify the border to the region *3ptSpecifies the default border width in medium style with the real type numerical value.
border-thick-widthXSL-FO Samples CollectionCreating optional spaces around text inside a blockPadding and border in a tableSpecify the border to the region *5ptSpecifies the default border width in thick style with the real type numerical value.
border-thin-widthXSL-FO Samples CollectionCreating optional spaces around text inside a blockPadding and border in a tableSpecify the border to the region *1ptSpecifies the default border width in thin style with the real type numerical value.
boxshadow-resolution-dpi108 Specifies the resolution of the image when setting the blurring in box-shadow with the unit of dpi. Values from 70 to 1440 are effective. If it is out of range, the default value is adopted. V7.4 no-LT
bpil Latn, Grek, Cyrl, Armn, Geor Specifies a language or script to apply Knuth-Plass Breaking Paragraphs into Lines [BPIL] to the line breaking algorithm by separating each code with a comma. The following can be specified. When empty, it does not apply to any language.
  • Language code defined in ISO 639 or ISO 639-2
  • Code formed by combining the language code and the country code defined in ISO 3166 by a hyphen.
  • Script code defined in ISO 15924
When a script is specified, it is considered that the language for which it is a representative script has been specified.
See also Line Breaking.
bpil-limit-chars50000Specifies the maximum number of characters to which [BPIL] applies. Approximately more than this number of blocks will not apply [BPIL]. The value less than 1000 cannot be specified.
bpil-minimum-line-width8Specifies the minimum line width to apply [BPIL] in units of em. The value less than 1 is considered 1.
bpil-penalty-hyphenation100Specifies the frequency of hyphenation in [BPIL] with a value of 0 to 1000. Hyphenation is more likely to occur with smaller values.
condensed-text-align-lastjustifySpecifies the initial value when axf:condensed-text-align-last="auto" is specified. You can specify false, true or justify.
css-allow-bare-expressionfalseIn CSS, a description like the following is a grammar violation:
font-size: 20pt + 30pt;
Correctly, it must be:
font-size: calc(20pt + 30pt);
However, up to Antenna House Formatter V7.1, it allowed some bare expressions that are not enclosed in calc(). If you specify true, it will allow bare expressions.
css-child-match-rootfalseUp to CSS3, pseudo-classes, such as :first-child or :only-of-type will not match the root element, but in CSS4, it will. If true is specified, it will match the root element.
css-debugfalse Specify true to enable the CSS debugging feature in GUI.  CSS Debug Tree V7.4 no-LT
css-float-in-floattrue fo:float inside fo:float is prohibited in FO, but there is no such restriction in CSS. If false is specified, nested float properties in CSS will be ignored.
css-media-typeprintAntenna House Formatter V7.4 evaluates print among @media settings of CSS. You can specify any number of media types using the white space character as a delimiter. For example, specify like css-media-type="print screen". all or ah-formatter @media values are always evaluated regardless of this setting. Otherwise, only the specified ones will be evaluated.
default-CJKSpecifies the language (such as jpn or kor) to be applied when a script is ambiguous for CJK. Although the default value is determined from the operating environment, Japanese language is considered when the operating environment is other than CJK. In GUI, the setting can be changed by Default CJK Language.
default-color#000000Specifies the default color of text with the format of #RRGGBB. You can also specify the color name, rgb() or rgb-icc(). However, RGB cannot be omitted with rgb-icc().  Default Color
default-font-size *10ptSpecifies the default font size with the real type numerical value.
default-from-page-master-regionfalse In XSL 1.1, there is no compatibility with XSL 1.0 in the method of evaluating writing-mode or reference-orientation. If true is specified, it becomes the same operation as the following are specified for fo:page-sequence.
For more details, see from-page-master-region().
default-html-charsetUTF-8Specifies the default encoding of HTML. This setting is applied to HTML with unknown encoding. When the setting is in HTML, or the encoding can be recognized by BOM, they are adopted. See also encoding of <text-settings>. Case insensitive.
default-langSpecifies the default language code. The language code follows ISO 639-2. There is no default value. default-lang specifies the language when FO doesn't have the language specification. This is outputted as the language information to the PDF. The default value of default-lang is empty. At this time, if the language is not specified for FO etc., the language information is not outputted to the PDF. The language specified to default-lang2 is adopted when default-lang is empty.
default-lang2engSpecifies the language actually adopted when default-lang is empty. When default-lang2 is empty, it depends on the locale of the system.
default-page-height *297mmSpecifies the default page height with the real type numerical value.
default-page-margin-bottom *10%Specifies a default page margin with the real type numerical value. A percent value is considered a ratio out of the page width or the page height.
default-page-margin-left *10%
default-page-margin-right *10%
default-page-margin-top *10%
default-page-width *210mmSpecifies the default page width with the real type numerical value.
descendant-or-self-filesfalseWhen true is specified, the location of the external files that can be read is restricted to be within the same directory as the FO or HTML, or within a subdirectory of it. It isn't restricted by http: or https:. If disable-network is specified, all network access such as http: or https: are also restricted in addition to it. no-LT
display-alttextfalseSpecifies whether to display an alternate text by axf:alttext or the alt attribute when there is no image in <fo:external-graphic> or HTML <img>. When true is specified, an alternate text is displayed. When false is specified and the src attribute is specified, an alternate image is displayed. no-LT
double-hyphen-translineationpor In Portuguese hyphenation, a hyphen is also placed at the start of the line when a line break occurs at a hyphen. With double-hyphen-translineation, specify comma-separated languages for such hyphenation. If you specify empty or false, you can cancel the process of placing a hyphen at the start of the line as well. it is invalid when hyphenate="false" is specified.  axf:double-hyphen-translineation V7.4
error-if-overflowfalseSpecifies whether to perform the same check as error-if-overflow and report an overflow error when overflow="auto" is specified. no-LT
except-non-end-of-line-charactersSpecifies the except-non-end-of-line characters. This setting will be ignored even if white spaces are specified. See also the extension property axf:except-non-end-of-line-characters.
except-non-starter-charactersSpecifies the except-non-starter characters. This setting will be ignored even if white spaces are specified. See also the extension property axf:except-non-starter-characters.
external-entitytrueSpecifies whether the external reference is allowed or not with <!ENTITY> of XML (FO, XHTML, SVG, MathML etc.) to be formatted. Note that it does not work on external XSLT processor called from Antenna House Formatter V7.4. See also XSLT Settings.
family-name-syntaxautoSpecify whether to strictly check the syntax of the value of font-family. When strict is specified, it is evaluated exactly as Font family: the font-family property. Until Antenna House Formatter V6.5, only a pretty loose check has been done, so even it is strictly an error, it does not become an error. For example, the following setting is strictly an error:
font-family="Abc 123"
You must specify it as follows:
font-family="'Abc 123'"
Specify loose if you want to loosen the check. If auto is specified, it is considered strict in CSS and it is considered loose in FO.
fix-css-img-percentagetrueSpecifies how to handle the reference standard when width and height for images in CSS is specified by %. true interprets according to the specification. For details, see Changes from Antenna House Formatter V7.0.
fixed-width-space-treatmenttrue Fonts seldom contain glyphs for characters, such as EM SPACE (U+2003) etc., that represent white space with fixed width. At that time, a substitution glyph is displayed and the white space is not shown correctly. fixed-width-space-treatment specifies the treatment of a fixed white space.
  • false : Does nothing.
  • true : Inserts a white space when there is no glyph in the font. When there is a glyph in the font, it will be used.
  • always : Always inserts a white space without depending on the font. Even If there is a glyph in the font, it will not be used.
The target characters and their widths are as follows (in units of em):
U+2000EN QUAD1/2
U+2001EM QUAD1
U+2002EN SPACE1/2
U+2007FIGURE SPACEThe same width of the figure “0”.
U+2008PUNCTUATION SPACEThe same width of the punctuation period “.”.
U+2009THIN SPACEDepends on the setting of thin-space-width.
U+200AHAIR SPACEDepends on the setting of hair-space-width.
hair-space-width0.1Specifies the character width of HAIR SPACE (U+200A) in units of em, when fixed-width-space-treatment="true" is specified.
falseUnlike FO, HTML has id value that is not NCName, so id like "123" is allowed. Therefore, when <a href="#123"> is specified, the id "123" is the target. When href-page-link​="true" is specified, it will be considered a page number and easily move to the specified page in HTML.
hyphen-minfalseSpecifies whether to enable <hyphen-min> in the Hyphenation Exception Dictionary.
hyphenation-keep-modewordSpecifies the processing method when the word at the end of the page (column) is hyphenated by hyphenation-keep="page", etc. word pushes out the word to the next page (column). line pushed out that line to the next page (column). You need to be careful when you use word. See Hyphenation. However, in <fo:float> where the value of axf:float-x is other than none and the value of axf:float-y is none, it is always considered line.
hyphenation-TeXWhen HyphenationOption="true" is specified, enumerates a comma-delimited list of languages that you want to hyphenate using a TeX dictionary, e.g.: hyphenation-TeX="ces,deu". no-LT
HyphenationOptiontrue Specifies whether to hyphenate words by using the custom processing that supports over 40 languages or to use TeX hyphenation dictionaries. If false is specified, words will be hyphenated by using TeX dictionaries. If so, only the languages that have a dictionary can be hyphenated.
ignore-certificate-errorfalseIgnores incorrect certificate errors, such as self-signed certificate, in https:. For safety, it is not recommended to set it to true.
intrusion-displace-mode6In Antenna House Formatter V6, there are some changes from Antenna House Formatter V5 in the behavior of the intrusion-displace property. Specify when you want to make it the same as V5.
  1. Operates the same as Antenna House Formatter V5.
  2. Adds the modified operation by Antenna House Formatter V6.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V5.
issue-scale-to-fitfalseSpecifies whether to report the scale-change ratio when the scale ratio of the image is changed by scale-to-fit/scale-down-to-fit/scale-up-to-fit with the value of true or false. If true is specified, the level 1 is reported.
jamo-ligaturetrueSpecifies whether to process the ligature of Hangul Jamo (U+1100 to U+11FF) with the value of true or false. If true is specified, processes the ligature of Hangul Jamo. If false, does nothing. This setting affects the value of the extension property axf:ligature-mode="auto". This ligature uses jamo of GSUB feature in the OpenType font. no-LT
justify-leaderfalseAlthough the leader functions in the justified line, the leader itself is not justified. leader-alignment="none" specifies whether the leader itself is justified or not when the contents are only the text, by leader-pattern="dots" or leader-pattern="use-content". If true is specified, the space may be generated between characters in the leader, the leader may become irregular against the other leaders. However, the space at the end of the leader will disappear.
justify-rowspan-heightXSL-FO Samples CollectionJustify the height of table cellsfalseWhen there is a cell with rowspan and the height of the cell is high, specifies whether the height of each row occupied by the cell should be as even as possible. When there is a row or cell with height specified, or when there is a cell whose text direction is rotating, it is processed so that only the height of the row after that row is even. no-LT
keep-footnote-anchortrueWhen a block including a footnote anchor does not fit within the page, the lines up to the dividable position after the anchor are sent to the previous page. See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V6.2.
latin-ligaturetrueSpecifies whether to process the ligature in European languages with the value of true or false. If true is specified, the ligature will be processed. If false is specified, it will not be processed. This setting affects the value of axf:ligature-mode="auto".
no-disp-warningsSuppress Error Messages that are output on GUI or Command-line. Specifies by enumerating the error code in decimal or hexadecimal as no-disp-warnings="10754 0x320D". No error message corresponding to the specified error code is output. It is invalid for errors where the processing is interrupted. no-LT
non-starter-ideographic-spacetrueSpecifies whether to treat the ideographic space as a non-starter character. See also Treatment of full-width white space.
normal-line-height1.2Specifies the default line height with the real type numerical value. A unit is not specified. The value means the ratio to the font size. The initial value is 1.2. Therefore, in case the font size is 10pt, the line height becomes 12pt.
normalizenfc Specifies the method of the normalization to be adopted when axf:normalize="auto" is specified. The following values (case insensitive) can be specified: no-LT
  • none : Does not normalize text.
  • nfc : Performs NFC.
  • nfd : Performs NFD.
  • nfkc : Performs NFKC.
  • nfkd : Performs NFKD.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V6.0.
oblique-skew0Specifies the amount of the inclination when using font-style="oblique" or "backslant". When 0 or less is specified, it is considered the system default. The font is inclined by the system default whenever there is no italic in the font when using font-style="italic". This setting is effective with the following outputs:
osdc-cmd When OSDC is specified for axf:image-preproc, you can specify the Command-line to be adopted with the full path. For example, specify osdc-cmd="/usr/OfficeServerDocumentConverterV90/bin/SBCCmd". This makes it possible to run Office Server Document Converter even if PATH is not added to Office Server Document Converter. Specify SBCCmd.exe for Windows versions. V7.4
osdc-param When OSDC is specified for axf:image-preproc, you can specify parameters when running the Command-line of Office Server Document Converter. Enter a space character between the parameter name and its value. If parameters with the same name are specified, the one specified later is valid. The combination of parameter name and value is equivalent to OSDC[params] of axf:image-preproc. Also, if there are parameters with the same name specified by axf:image-preproc="OSDC [params]", the parameters specified by axf:image-preproc will take precedence. An example of setting is as follows:
osdc-param="-pdfver PDF1.6"
overflow-limit-block **0ptSpecifies the default value of axf:overflow-limit-block.
overflow-limit-inline **0ptSpecifies the default value of axf:overflow-limit-inline.
printer-marks-line-length *10mm Specifies the length of the printer marks.
printer-marks-line-width *0.24pt Specifies the width of the printer marks.
printer-marks-zero-margin *3mm Specifies the margin between the page and the printer marks when bleed is 0. no-LT
PrinterOrientationauto When the paper is placed in landscape in the PS Printer, there may be a case that the printer rotate-output the line and EPS incorrectly because some printers cannot get information. Possible to correct the rotation by specifying one of the following values (the value should be anti-clockwise rotation degree):
  • auto
  • 0
  • 90
  • 270
This setting is effective only with Windows versions.
PscriptPassThroughtrue Possible to makes Pass Through output invalid when outputting to PS printer. If true is specified, Pass Through output is executed. If false is specified, Pass Through output is not executed but the output is executed only by GDI operator. This setting is effective only with Windows versions.
pair-kerningtrueSpecifies whether to process the pair kerning with the value of true or false. If true is specified, the ligature will be processed. If false is specified, it will not be processed. This setting affects the value of axf:kerning-mode="auto".
punctuation-spacing50%Specifies the space width between the adjacent Japanese full width characters with the percentage value. The value means the ratio to the font size. This setting affects the value of axf:punctuation-spacing="auto" in extended FO.
punctuation-trimIntroduction to CSS for Paged Mediapunctuation-trimtrueWhen Japanese full width characters (punctuation marks and brackets) are used in succession or come at the start of the line, you can specify whether to trim the letter spacing or keep the same letter spacing with the value of true or false. If the value is true, the letter spacing will be tracked narrow. If the value is false, it will be the same as that of other full width characters. This setting affects the values of axf:punctuation-trim="auto" and axf:text-justify-trim="auto" in extended FO.
pxpi96In XSL or CSS, you can specify px (pixel) as a unit of measurement. pxpi specifies the coefficient, which converts the value of the specified px, as “the number of pixels per inch” when formatting. It's specified with the real type numerical value.
ruby-alignSpecifies the arrangement when axf:ruby-align="auto" is specified. When nothing or auto is specified, it is considered space-around center.
SeparatePrinterDuplexJobtrueSpecifies whether to separate the print job when there is a switch between Duplex Printing / Simplex Printing by axf:printer-duplex. When true is specified, the job is output separately. When false is specified, it is output as one job.
small-caps-emulation-alwaysfalseSpecifies whether to always emulate small-caps. When true is specified, it always emulates and does not use the font information.
small-caps-emulation-size70%Specifies the scale-down ratio when the font does not have small-caps when font-variant="small-caps" is specified.
small-caps-emulation-x-heighttrueIf the font has x-height and cap-height, the emulation magnification of small-caps is x-height/cap-height. If the font does not have them, it will be small-caps-emulation-size.
splitting-blocks-spacefalseIn CSS, when breaking a block with the height of auto, specifies whether to adjust the height of the block in the previous page (column) to the height of the page (column), or leave it as blank. When true is specified, it's left as blank, which is contrary to the CSS specification. See also Splitting blocks.
tab-overlap-treatmentignore-tab Specifies a behavior when tab alignment makes letters overlapped, by selecting from either ignore-tab or next-tab. See axf:tab-overlap-treatment. no-LT
table-auto-layout-limit100 When table-layout="auto" is specified, it is necessary to look ahead and read the table to decide the width of column. The number of row to read ahead can be limited because it takes a long time to read all row in a too huge table. After reading ahead up to the number of row specified here, the width of column is decided. If 0 is specified, all row is read, and then the width of column is decided. For more details, see Table Auto Layout.
table-is-reference-areafalse In XSL 1.1, there is no compatibility with XSL 1.0 about whether to make fo:table a reference area. If true is specified, fo:table will be made a reference area and its operation will be the same as XSL 1.0. For more details, see Incompatibility of fo:table.
text-autospacetrueSpecifies whether to insert spaces surrounding ideographic glyphs to make them look better with the value of true or false, in the document ideographic and non-ideographic glyphs are mixed. If the value is true, a space will be inserted to make them look better. If the value is false, a space won't be inserted. This setting affects the value of axf:text-autospace="auto" in extended FO.
text-autospace-mode7 When the setting of axf:text-autospace is different before and after <fo:inline> as follows:
<fo:block axf:text-autospace="ideograph-alpha"><fo:inline axf:text-autospace="none">AろB</fo:inline></fo:block>
there was a problem that the space between ideographic and non-ideographic glyphs was applied only on one side of <fo:inline>. You can specify whether to apply on both sides by text-autospace-mode.
6.As before, the space between ideographic and non-ideographic glyphs is applied only on one side.
7.Applies the space between ideographic and non-ideographic glyphs on both sides.
text-autospace-width25%Specifies the space width surrounding ideographic glyphs characters with the percentage value. The value means the ratio to the font size. This setting affects the value of axf:text-autospace-width="auto" in extended FO.
text-decoration-mode1Specifies how much the underline, strikethrough and overline exceed the length of a word.
0.Do not exceed the word length.
1.Exceed half-length of the space between words.
2.Do not exceed the start edge of a word, but exceed the end edge of a word by the full space between words.
text-justify-mode5In Antenna House Formatter V5 or later, there are some changes from XSL Formatter V4 in trimming a line. Specify the value when you want to make it the same operation as V4. This adjusts the initial value when axf:text-justify-trim="auto" is specified. The following values can be specified:
  1. Operates the same as XSL Formatter V4. That is, it is considered that ideograph and inter-word are specified.
  2. Adds the improved operation by Antenna House Formatter V5.
See also Changes from XSL Formatter V4.
text-kashida-space100%Specifies the percentage of the Kashida in Arabic justification. The value indicates the percentage of white space and Kashida. If the value is 0%, Kashida is not inserted and only the white space expands as well as the normal justification. If the value is 100%, Kashida is inserted as much as possible. This setting affects the value of axf:text-kashida-space="auto" in extended FO.
text-orientation-mode6Specifies whether UAX#50: Unicode Vertical Text Layout is taken into consideration by the value of axf:text-orientation when rendering alphanumeric characters, etc. to be upright in vertical writing mode with the following values: no-LT
5.UAX#50 is not taken into consideration.
6.SVO and MVO are taken into consideration.
7.In addition to 6, axf:text-orientation="auto" is treated as "mixed".
  • The layout of SVO/MVO do not match the one defined in UAX#50. See also Glyphs in Vertical Text.
  • SVO is applied to the text with axf:text-orientation="upright" specified in FO or text-orientation:upright; specified in CSS.
  • MVO is applied to the text with axf:text-orientation="mixed" specified in FO or text-orientation:mixed; specified in CSS.
  • This setting does not work with Antenna House Formatter V7.4 Lite. It is always considered 5.
text-replace-Dutch-IJXSL-FO Samples CollectionDutch layouttrueReplaces the following text in Dutch:
  • "IJ" → U+0132
  • "ij" → U+0133
textshadow-resolution-minimum-dpi108Specifies the minimum value of the resolution of the image when setting the blur in text-shadow with the unit of dpi. Integer values from 70 to 1440 are effective. If it is out of range, the default value is adopted.
textshadow-resolution-pixel-per-em100Specifies the resolution of the image when setting the blur in text-shadow. If the back-calculated dpi is smaller than textshadow-resolution-minimum-dpi, the value of textshadow-resolution-minimum-dpi is adopted. If it is larger than 1440, 1440 is adopted.
textshadow-blur-cannot-embed-fontfalseSelects whether to set the blur against fonts that are not allowed to be embedded with the value of true or false in text-shadow. If true is specified, sets the blur.
text-underline-mode6Some improved changes have been added for the position of underline and overline with Antenna House Formatter V6. Specify when you want to make it the same as V5.
  1. Operates the same as Antenna House Formatter V5.
  2. Adds the improved operation by Antenna House Formatter V6.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V5.
thin-space-width0.2Specifies the character width of THIN SPACE (U+2009) in units of em, when fixed-width-space-treatment="true" is specified.
two-pass-formattingfalseWhen formatting a huge document with a large amount of unresolved <fo:page-number-citation>, a large amount of memories are consumed because the cancellation of the page information is impossible. Therefore, the limit is caused in the number of pages to format. This parameter solves that problem by making the formatting two passes. Although its processing time may be increased, only the page number information which should be solved will consume the memory and the memory consumption will be extremely decreased. This setting is invalid with CSS formatting. This setting is invalid with GUI.  Formatting Large Document no-LT
use-default-page-margin-CSStrueSpecifies whether default-page-margin-* is adopted or not when there is no margin specification in @page in CSS.
use-default-page-margin-XSLfalseSpecifies whether default-page-margin-* is adopted or not when there is no margin specification in fo:simple-page-master in XSL.
unicode-bidi-revSpecifies the revision of UAX#9: Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm that Antenna House Formatter V7.4 conforms to. A value greater than or equal to 37 is considered 41. If the value is less than 37, it follows the algorithm compatible with V6.6 (about revision 27). At that time, the following control characters cannot be handled correctly. U+2066 is considered U+202D, U+2067 is considered U+202E and U+2069 is considered U+202C for each. If no value is set, the latest revision supported by Antenna House Formatter V7.4 is used. See also BIDI Algorithm Implementation Restrictions for implementation restrictions when not V6.6 compatible.
unresolved-internal-destination1 Specifies the error level for unresolved internal-destination.
0.Does not report any errors.
1. Reports errors with error level 1.
2. Reports errors with error level 2.
3. Reports errors with error level 3.
4. Reports errors with error level 4.
vertical-block-width-mode6The behavior of the auto value of the width of vertical-text block within horizontal-text flow (or the height of horizontal-text block within vertical-text flow) is changed with Antenna House Formatter V6. Specify when you want to make it the same as V5.
  1. Operates the same as Antenna House Formatter V5. The width of vertical-text block is given by the width of the outer area.
  2. Adds the improved operation by Antenna House Formatter V6. The width of vertical-text block shrinks to fit the content.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V5.
vertical-underline-sideauto In the XSL specification, there is no description about the underline in vertical writing mode. The vertical-underline-side property is an option which specifies whether to place the underline in vertical writing mode on the right side or on the left side. If left or right is specified, the underline is placed on the left or on the right. If auto is specified, the underline is placed on the right side when the language property is Japanese (jpn) or Korean (kor). The underline is placed on the left side when the language property is other than Japanese (jpn) or Korean (kor). If there is no language properties specified, it depends on the default-CJK language setting. This setting affects the value of the extension property, axf:vertical-underline-side="auto".
viewport-length-units-mode6Specifies whether to adapt the CSS3 interpretation of the vw and vh units.
  1. Makes the vw and vh units based on the page size.
  2. Makes the vw and vh units based on the size of the area excluding the page margins.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V6.0.
watermark-fill-colorrgb-icc(#Registration,0.02) Specifies the fill color of the string specified by watermark-text. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-font-familysans-serifSpecifies the font family to the character string which you set to watermark-text. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-font-stylenormalSpecifies the font style to the character string which you set to watermark-text. Possible to specify normal or italic. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-font-weightnormalSpecifies the font weight to the character string which you set to watermark-text. Possible to specify normal, bold or the numerical value from 1 to 1000. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-opacity0Specifies the opacity of the string specified by watermark-text. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-stroke-colorrgb-icc(#Registration,0.04) Specifies the stroke color of the string specified by watermark-text. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-stroke-width0.0125Specifies the width of the stroke of the string specified by watermark-text. The value is a percentage for the font size. Values greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1 are effective. If you specify a value less than or equal to 0 or more than 1, the stroke will not be drawn. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-rotateSpecifies the angle of rotation of the string specified by watermark-text in degrees. The font size will be adjusted to fit on the page after rotation. If not specified, proper rotation will occur. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-scale1Specifies the display magnification of the string specified by watermark-text. This is the variable magnification for the font size adjusted by watermark-rotate. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark-textXSL-FO Samples CollectionDisplay watermark on pageDisplays the specified watermark text on each page. Possible to make it multiple lines by delimiting with the line feed “&#10;”. This setting is invalid with the evaluation version. With Antenna House Formatter V7.4 Lite, the watermark that shows the evaluation version is shown after the 300 pages, which is the limited formatted pages with the Lite version. You will need to specify an appropriate watermark-font-family according to the text you specify. Confirm it by outputting PDF. In addition, complex scripts such as Thai and Arabic cannot be specified. The text that cannot be outputted by a single font cannot be specified. no-LT
watermark2-font-familySpecifies the font family to the character string which you set to watermark2-text. If not specified, the default value is the same as watermark-font-family. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark2-font-stylenormalSpecifies the font style to the character string which you set to watermark2-text. Possible to specify normal or italic. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark2-font-weightnormalSpecifies the font weight to the character string which you set to watermark2-text. Possible to specify normal, bold or the numerical value from 1 to 1000. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version. no-LT
watermark2-textDisplays the specified watermark text on each page. This setting is invalid with the evaluation version. You will need to specify an appropriate watermark2-font-family according to the text you specify. Confirm it by outputting PDF. In addition, complex scripts such as Thai and Arabic cannot be specified. The text that cannot be outputted by a single font cannot be specified. Multiple lines of text cannot be specified. no-LT
white-space-collapse-mode7 The operation of white-space-collapse was corrected with Antenna House Formatter V7. Specify as follows when you want the same operation as V6.
  1. Operates the same as Antenna House Formatter V6.
  2. Adds the modified operation by Antenna House Formatter V7.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V6.6.
xml-catalog Specifies the XML Catalog files. This will convert the URI for the external references in the document. However, it only supports the following URI entries:
  • <uri name="..." uri="...">

    When the URI matches the one specified by name, makes the URI the one specified by uri.

  • <rewriteURI uriStartString="..." rewritePrefix="...">

    When the URI starts with the one specified by uriStartString, replaces that part with the one specified by rewritePrefix.

  • <uriSuffix uriSuffix="..." uri="...">

    When the URI ends with the one specified by uriSuffix, makes the URI the one specified by uri.

The XML Catalogs namespace is urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog.
For example, prepare catalog.xml as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<catalog xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:entity:xmlns:xml:catalog">

By specifying this file like xml-catalog=".../catalog.xml", you can specify it in FO as follows:

<fo:external-graphic src="url('urn:img:picture.jpg')"/>

The XML contents are checked in the order they are written and only the first match is applied.

V7.4 no-LT
zwsp-mode6 The operation of ZERO WIDTH SPACE (U+200B) was corrected with Antenna House Formatter V6. It's compatible with V6 by default. Specify as follows when you want the same operation as V5.
  1. Operates the same as Antenna House Formatter V5.
  2. Adds the modified operation by Antenna House Formatter V6.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V5.
<list-style-type>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
boxU+25ABSpecifies the character to use by list-style-type="box".
checkU+2713Specifies the character to use by list-style-type="check".
circleU+25E6Specifies the character to use by list-style-type="circle".
diamondU+2666Specifies the character to use by list-style-type="diamond".
discU+2022Specifies the character to use by list-style-type="disc".
hyphenU+2043Specifies the character to use by list-style-type="hyphen".
squareU+25AASpecifies the character to use by list-style-type="square".
<quotationmark>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
language Changes the handling of Quotation Mark. Specify the language code for language, the character code of quotation marks for code, and specify one of the QU/OP/CL for quotetype. Only Western languages can be specified for the language code. CJK etc. cannot be specified. no-LT
<script-chars>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
scriptEvaluates all characters specified to the code as scripts specified to the script. For example, by specifying as follows:
<script-chars script="Jpan" code="&#x5C;"/>
“&#x5C;” is displayed as “¥”. (Note that it is applied only when the font corresponding to Jpan is specified for font-family.) When code not being specified, all characters specified to script are canceled. When script not being specified, all characters specified to code are canceled.
<script-language-in-CJK>child of <formatter-setting> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
scriptWhen the script specified to the script attribute appears in the sentence of CJK languages, the character string of the script is considered the language that is specified to the language attribute. For example:
<script-language-in-CJK script="Latn" language="eng"/>
The Latn character string that appears in Japanese or Chinese sentences can be recognized as English. If hyphenate="true" is specified, the hyphenation can be processed by considering this part as English. The CJK languages cannot be specified to language. When nothing is specified to the language attribute, the language specification to the script attribute is canceled.
<space-end-punctuation>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
languageFor the language specified to language, the space specified by space is made after the character specified to code. If code is not being specified, the specified space will be canceled for all characters specified to language. The amount of space is specified with the real type numerical value. The value means the ratio to the font size.  <axf:space-end-punctuation>
<space-start-punctuation>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
languageFor the language specified to language, the space specified by space is made before the character specified to code. If code is not being specified, the specified space will be canceled for all characters specified to language. The amount of space is specified with the real type numerical value. The value means the ratio to the font size.  <axf:space-start-punctuation>
<space-between-digit-and-punctuation>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
languageFor the language specified to language, the space specified by space is made between the number and the character specified to code. If code is not being specified, the specified space will be canceled for all characters specified to language. The amount of space is specified with the real type numerical value. The value means the ratio to the font size.  <axf:space-between-digit-and-punctuation>
<space-between-punctuation-and-digit>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
languageFor the language specified to language, the space specified by space is made between the character specified to code and the number. If code is not being specified, the specified space will be canceled for all characters specified to language. The amount of space is specified with the real type numerical value. The value means the ratio to the font size.  <axf:space-between-punctuation-and-digit>
<usercss>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
Specifies the CSS user stylesheet you want to add by <css>. If specified by a relative path, it is considered to be relative to the target document. See also Cascading Order of CSS.
<css>child of <usercss> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
pathSpecifies the path of the CSS user stylesheet.
<multimedia>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
audioWhen specifying multimedia, such as audio or video as graphics, the setting of content-type is required. Antenna House Formatter V7.4 may sometimes not automatically recognize if a content-type other than “audio/*” or “video/*” formats indicates it is multimedia. For such content-type, specify audio, video or flash explicitly as follows:
<multimedia flash="application/x-shockwave-flash"/>
By default, “audio/*” is considered as audio, “video/*” as video, “application/x-shockwave-flash” as Flash.
<GS1-128>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
AIRegisters the format of application identifier (AI) of GS1-128. Some formats of AI has been already registered, but you can specify when you change the format or the format is not registered. AI is a number with 2 to 4 digits. AI starting from 0 should be 2 digits. The last digit can be set as “*” if AI is a 3 or 4 digit number. For instance, AI="380*" indicates 3800 to 3809. The following formats can be specified to the format attribute:
  • n3 : 3-digit numbers
  • x3 : 3-digit arbitrary characters
  • n-10 : Numbers with greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 10 digits.
  • x3-10 : Arbitrary characters with greater than or equal to 3 and less than or equal to 10 digits.
For example, specify as follows:
<GS1-128 AI="380*" format="n-15"/>
formatXSL-FO Samples CollectionPage number format and initial page number
<UAX50>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
codeSpecifies the code point to code you change. The code point can be specified as follows:
  • One character : “” or “&#x201C;”, etc.
  • 4-digit hexadecimal numbers : 201C
  • Set of 4-digit hexadecimal numbers : 202A-202E
Characters greater than or equal to U+10000 cannot be specified.
U or R or V can be specified to SVO or MVO. It means that U renders upright, R rotates 90-degree clockwise. V is same as U, but when vertical writing glyph is designed to rotate 90-degree counterclockwise originally, it is displayed by rotating 90-degree clockwise. See also text-orientation-mode. no-LT
<unbreakable-words>child of <formatter-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
List the unbreakable words by the line break. The character string of each line will become unbreakable. For example, if you write as follows, two phrases will become unbreakable:
Hello World
The leading and trailing white spaces (U+0009, U+0020) will be discarded. Consecutive white spaces (U+0009, U+0020) are grouped together and match consecutive white spaces (U+0009, U+000A, U+000D, U+0020) including line breaks. So taking the above example, any of the following will become unbreakable:
Hello World
Hello    World
Because the first phrase found from the start of the character string is the target, if
is specified, ABCD will be unbreakable for the character string of ABCDEFG. Since it is case sensitive, Abcd, etc. will not become unbreakable.
Also, as Antenna House Formatter V7.4 tries to adopt as long a phrase as possible, if
is specified, ABCDEF will become unbreakable for the character string of ABCDEFG. If
is specified, café and cafe&#x301; will not become unbreakable. To make all of these unbreakable, you should specify as follows:
Note the following:
  • This processing is performed for character string of input XML. In other words, it is performed before processing axf:normalize or axf:text-replace, etc. Therefore, unbreakable character strings may be processed by them.
  • If a character string that causes ligature, for example, ffi is specified as unbreakable up to ff, ligature as ffi will not occur.
srcYou can specify external XML for src. That XML looks the same as this element, but src cannot be specified. no-LT

Font Settings

These settings are used for the fonts.

<font-settings>child of <formatter-config>
auto-fallback-fonttrueSpecifies whether to look for a fall back font automatically when a font with a glyph cannot be found in the font family which was specified by FO or CSS. See also Font Selection to learn more about the fall back method.
barcode-text-fontOCRB, monospaceSpecifies the font used when you add the text of an original code to the linear barcode with Barcode Generator Option.
default-font-familyserif Specifies the default font family. Usually, it is one of the generic font families: serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy or monospace. See also Font Selection.
emulated-italic0Specifies whether to report the error when italic is emulated in the selected font. Specify one of the following:
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
3.The level 3 error message will be reported.
4.The level 4 error message will be reported.
emulated-small-caps0Specifies whether to report the error when small-caps is emulated in the selected font. Specify one of the following:
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
3.The level 3 error message will be reported.
4.The level 4 error message will be reported.
No error will be reported when small-caps-emulation-always="true" is specified.
fallback-glyph1Specifies whether to report it or not when the glyph is found in a fall back font. When the glyph corresponding to the specified character in the font family is not found, if auto-fallback-font is specified, a fall back font will be looked for. The following either can be specified:
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
3.The level 3 error message will be reported.
4.The level 4 error message will be reported.
font-selection-mode6Specifies the selection method of fonts. The following values can be specified:
  1. The setting of font-selection-strategy is disregarded and always considered auto.
  2. The first font that has a glyph is adopted.
See also Font Selection.
font-stretch-mode6Specifies whether the information on font-stretch is used when selecting fonts. The following values can be specified:
  1. The information on font-stretch will not be used. The operation is the same as Antenna House Formatter V5.
  2. The information on font-stretch will be used.
See also Changes from Antenna House Formatter V6.0.
missing-font1Specifies whether to warn when a font is not found from the specified font family. The following either can be specified:
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
3.The level 3 error message will be reported.
4.The level 4 error message will be reported.
missing-glyph1Specifies whether to warn when the glyph corresponding to the specified character is not found in the specified font family or the fallback font. The following either can be specified:
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
3.The level 3 error message will be reported.
4.The level 4 error message will be reported.
missing-glyph-allfalseUsually the report on missing-glyph is given only once to the same character. However, by specifying missing-glyph-all="true", the report can be given to all. Note that careless specification could cause huge amount of error. This setting is similarly applied to fallback-glyph as well.
<script-font>child of <font-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary) See also Font Selection
scriptSpecifies the script codes for multilingual setting. The available scripts conform to ISO 15924. However, the Antenna House Formatter V7.4 does not support all scripts. The scripts that can be specified here are scripts that are indicated in Scripts and Languages excluding Hira, Kana, and Hani or including Zsye, Zsym. For generic fonts you may omit the setting of the script or specify as script="".
serifSpecifies the generic serif font when specified by the script.
sans-serifSpecifies the generic sans-serif font when specified by the script.
monospaceXSL-FO Samples CollectionWhite space and line breaks in program codeSpecifies the generic monospace font when specified by the script.
cursiveSpecifies the generic cursive font when specified by the script.
fantasy Specifies the generic font for fantasy when specified by the script.
fallbackIntroduction to CSS for Paged MediafallbackSpecifies the fall back font of the script when specified by the script. Two or more fonts can be enumerated by comma-separated values.
<font-alias>child of <font-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
src Formats the font name src (source) appearing in FO (or HTML etc.) by replacing with dst (destination). This is achieved by specifying an arbitrary font name for src and dst. This makes it possible to substitute an unknown font in a document made in a different environment, without modifying the document. However, in the following sample:
<font-alias src="A" dst="B">
<font-alias src="B" dst="C">
“A” would never be replaced with “C”. Moreover, the setting for <font-alias> doesn't affect the font name in the Option file.

PDF Output Settings

These settings are used for PDF Output.

<pdf-settings>child of <formatter-config>
allow-deprecated-annotationfalse In PDF2.0, some annotations (Movie, Sound) are deprecated. These cannot be output. If you specify true, you will be able to output these in PDF2.0. V7.4
allow-embedding-lower-versionsfalse In PDF2.0, embedding of PDF1.X is deprecated. If you specify true, you will be able to embed PDF1.X in PDF2.0. V7.4
allow-javascripttrueWhen false is specified, even if JavaScript is specified by openaction or axf:action-type, it will be ignored. no-LT
allow-nest-alt-texttrueWhen outputting Tagged PDF, specify false if you do not want to set alternate text for tags descended from tags that have alternate text settings for accessibility reasons. Child tags of the tags that have alternate text settings will no longer have alternate text. In that case, you may not be able to find or copy text that does not have a one-to-one correspondence between glyphs and Unicode using complex scripts.
check-tag-relationshipfalseIf true is specified, the validity of the parent-child relationship between tags is verified and a warning is issued for an invalid structure when outputting Tagged PDF2.0.
color-compressionauto When the color image format cannot be stored directly in PDF, the image is stored after being transformed into a bit map format that is compatible with PDF. The compression method of the data stored in a PDF file is then specified by one of the following values:
  • auto
  • zlib
  • jpeg
  • jpeg2000
  • keeplzw
  • auto2k
  • keeplzw2k
When auto is selected, the process is automatically done and creates the image data according to the setting of color-jpeg-quality. When keeplzw is specified, if the original image is LZW compressed, it becomes the LZW compression. If not, it becomes the same as auto. Whichever has the smaller compressed size, JPEG or ZLIB, is selected. auto2k and keeplzw2k are equivalent to auto and keeplzw each, except that compression will be done with JPEG 2000 instead of JPEG. However, they are same as auto and keeplzw in case of PDF1.4 or earlier.
See also Image Output to learn about the file formats which can be stored directly in PDF. This is the setting for the color image. Specifies grayscale-compression for the grayscale image, and monochrome-compression for the monochrome image. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Compression option. JPEG 2000 is effective only with PDF1.5 or later.
color-compression-defaultautoSpecifies the value of the compression method of the color image when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
color-conversionnoneSpecifies how to convert the RGB or CMYK color space to DeviceGray or DeviceCMYK.
  • none
    Does nothing.
  • black
    Converts RGB's Black to DeviceGray before outputting.
  • gray
    Converts RGB's Gray color (mono tone) to DeviceGray before outputting.
  • all-gray
    Converts all RGB or CMYK color spaces to DeviceGray before outputting. This conversion is based on the following formula: gray = 0.3×red + 0.59×green + 0.11×blue (0.0 ≤ red,green,blue ≤ 1.0). When it is CMYK, converts CMYK to RGB and then converts it to gray.
  • all-cmyk
    Converts all RGB color spaces to CMYK before outputting. When it is CMYK, does nothing.
It's possible to change the setting by Color Conversion in GUI. Similarly converts SVG, CGM, MathML, EMF and WMF that are drawn by the original drawing engine. The other images are converted as below:
  • Converts the color space for all-gray and all-cmyk; however Antenna House Formatter V7.4 Lite converts no colors. no-LT
  • Converts no color space except for all-gray and all-cmyk.
When PDF/X-1a is specified to output, it is considered that all-gray or all-cmyk is specified. See also PDF/X for the handling of RGB in PDF/X.
color-conversion-k100false When color-conversion="all-cmyk" is specified, depending on the ICC profile, RGB black (rgb(0,0,0)) does not necessarily become K100 (cmyk(0,0,0,1)). Specifying color-conversion-k100="true" will always convert black to K100. V7.4
color-downsamplingnone Specifies the method to downsample the raster color image that is put into PDF.
  • none
  • average
  • bicubic
  • subsampling
When a value other than none is specified, the image that has resolution greater than the one specified by color-downsampling-above-dpi will be downsampled to the resolution specified by color-downsampling-target-dpi. This is the setting for the color image. Specifies grayscale-downsampling for the grayscale image, and monochrome-downsampling for the monochrome image. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Downsampling option.
color-downsampling-defaultnoneSpecifies the value of the downsampling of the color image when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
color-jpeg-quality80 For the color image format that cannot be stored directly in PDF, specifies the image quality by the numerical value within the range of 1 to 100 when jpeg is specified by color-compression. The higher the number the better the quality in proportion to the increase in the number; however the file size also becomes larger. Converts this value to the compression ratio to use in case of jpeg2000. This is the setting for the color image. Specifies grayscale-jpeg-quality for the grayscale image. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the JPEG Quality option.
color-jpeg-quality-default80Specifies the value of the JPEG image quality of the color image when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
decimal-part-digits5Specify the number of digits after the decimal point of real numbers to be output in PDF as 1 to 6.
decimal-part-digits-default5 Specifies the adopted value of decimal places when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI.
default-output-intentSets the default value when the output intent is not specified in FO while outputting PDF/X. Values that can be specified are equal to the ones that can be specified to the src property for fo:color-profile. If not specified, the following is considered to be specified:
#OutputConditionIdentifier=CGATS TR 001
See also PDF/X.
embed-all-fontstrue Specifies whether or not to embed all fonts used in the formatted result in PDF with one of the following:
  • false : Only fonts specified in <embed-font> are embedded.
  • true : All fonts will be embedded, except for the Standard 14 Fonts.
  • base14 : All fonts will be embedded, including the Standard 14 Fonts.
In the GUI, this can be specified by selecting the Embed All Embeddable Fonts option.
embed-font-encoding Specifies the encoding when the TrueType font is embedded. When nothing is specified, Identity-H/V is the default.
  • WinAnsiEncoding
    Specifies WinAnsiEncoding for encoding. If WinAnsiEncoding cannot be specified, Identity-H/V is considered to be specified.
embed-std-output-intentfalse Specifies whether to embed the ICC profile specified for the standard output intent into PDF/X output. It is necessary to specify the actual file of the ICC profile when embedding it. If false is specified, it is not embedded. This setting is invalid when outputting PDF/A because the embedding of the ICC profile is required with PDF/A or PDF/X-4 output.
embed-subset-font-percentage100Finds the percent of the character used in PDF against the entire characters that the font has. When the percent of characters used is greater than or equal to the specified value, embeds all font characters including characters not used. If not, embeds only characters that are actually used. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Subset embedded fonts when percent of character used is less than: option.
encrypt-metadatatrueSpecifies whether to encrypt the metadata when encrypting the PDF file. (Effective with PDF1.5 or later.) no-LT
encryption-level128rc4 Specifies the key length when encrypting the PDF file.
  • 40rc4 (Effective with PDF1.3 to 1.7)
  • 128rc4 (Effective with PDF1.4 to 1.7)
  • 128aes (Effective with PDF1.6 to1.7)
  • 256aes (Effective with PDF1.7 or later)
EPS-processornoneSpecifies whether to output PDF after changing into PDF using an external processor when outputting EPS to PDF in the formatted result. The value is case-insensitive.
  • none
  • distiller
  • ghostscript
These have the following meanings:
  • none : Use nothing. The same way in the past.
  • distiller : Use Adobe Distiller in the environment where Adobe Distiller is installed. acrodist.exe is used. Effective only with Windows versions. EPS support at this time has a little restrictions.
    • PS-Adobe-2.0 or later required.
    • %%BeginProlog and %%EndProlog should be included.
  • ghostscript : Use Ghostscript in the environment where Ghostscript is installed. Use gswin64c.exe with the Windows 64-bit version (use gswin32c.exe with the x86 version) and use gs with non-Windows versions. Since the program is invoked by fork() etc. and used, there is no problem with GPL license.
Invalid in the environment where each processor is not installed. Moreover, it's necessary to set the PATH etc. of the program to use.
error-on-embed-faultfalse When an error occurs while embedding fonts, specifies whether to stop formatting as an error by using the value of true or false. If the value is true, stops formatting as an error. If the value is false, continues formatting without embedding fonts. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the When Embedding Fails option.
error-on-missing-glyphfalse When the corresponding glyph for the specified character does not exist in the specified font, specifies whether to stop formatting as an error or to continue formatting by using the value of true or false. When true is specified, the processing will end as an error. When false is specified, although PDF is outputted, the character will be displayed as a white space or a small box in PDF for missing glyph. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Error on Missing Glyph option.
error-on-pdfx-faulttrueSpecifies whether to stop formatting as an error or ignore the unsuitable content and continue formatting when a content that is unsuitable for PDF/X, PDF/A or PDF/UA is detected while creating PDF/X, PDF/A or PDF/UA, such like PDF/X, PDF/A or PDF/UA that contains non-embeddable fonts. If false is specified, the processing is continued, a generated PDF may be incongruent as PDF/X, PDF/A or PDF/UA. If true is specified, PDF will not be generated as an error. When the unsuitable content is avoidable, the formatting continues. For example, annotations in PDF/X are thrown away. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Error on PDF/X, PDF/A or PDF/UA fault option. no-LT
fallback-alttextempty string Sets the string to fall back when the required axf:alttext is not specified. By default, a space character is set.
ghostscriptWhen converting EPS into PDF using Ghostscript, the full path to Ghostscript can be specified. For example, specify as ghostscript="/usr/local/bin/gs". Thereby, Ghostscript can be invoked even if the PATH does not set to Ghostscript. Specify gswin64c.exe in Windows 64-bit version (specify gswin32c.exe with x86 version).
grayscale-compressionauto When the grayscale image format cannot be stored directly in PDF, the image is stored after being transformed into the bit map format that is compatible with PDF. The compression method of the data stored in a PDF file is then specified by one of the following values:
  • auto
  • zlib
  • jpeg
  • jpeg2000
  • keeplzw
  • auto2k
  • keeplzw2k
When auto is selected, the process is automatically done and creates the image data according to the setting of grayscale-jpeg-quality. When keeplzw is specified, if the original image is LZW compressed, it becomes the LZW compression. If not, it becomes the same as auto. Whichever has the smaller compressed size, JPEG or ZLIB, is selected. auto2k and keeplzw2k are equivalent to auto and keeplzw each, except that compression will be done with JPEG 2000 instead of JPEG. However, they are same as auto and keeplzw in case of PDF1.4 or earlier.
See also Image Output to learn about the file formats which can be stored directly in PDF. This is the setting for the grayscale image. Specifies color-compression for the color image, and monochrome-compression for the monochrome image. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Compression option. JPEG 2000 is effective only with PDF1.5 or later.
grayscale-compression-defaultautoSpecifies the value of the compression method of the grayscale image when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
grayscale-downsamplingnone Specifies the method to downsample the raster grayscale image that is put into PDF. The options are:
  • none
  • average
  • bicubic
  • subsampling
When a value other than none is specified, the image that has resolution greater than the one specified by grayscale-downsampling-above-dpi will be downsampled to the resolution specified by grayscale-downsampling-target-dpi. This is the setting for the grayscale image. Specifies color-downsampling for the color image, and monochrome-downsampling for the monochrome image. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Downsampling option.
grayscale-downsampling-defaultnoneSpecifies the value of the JPEG image quality of the grayscale image when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
grayscale-jpeg-quality80 For the grayscale image format that cannot be stored directly in PDF, specifies the image quality by a numerical value within the range of 1 to 100 when jpeg is specified by grayscale-compression. The higher the number the better the quality in proportion to the increase in the number; however the file size also becomes larger. Converts this value to the compression ratio to use in case of jpeg2000. This is the setting for the grayscale image. Specifies color-jpeg-quality for the color image. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the JPEG Quality option.
grayscale-jpeg-quality-default80Specifies the value of the JPEG image quality of the color image when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
gs-optionsWhen converting EPS into PDF using Ghostscript, Antenna House Formatter V7.4 specifies the following parameters and starts Ghostscript by default:
The next four starting with % are replaced by their respective values by Antenna House Formatter V7.4.
  • %width : Width of EPS
  • %height : Height of EPS
  • %eps : Input EPS
  • %temp : Temporary Output File
You can specify any parameter with gs-options. Specify multiple parameters separated by U+000A. The gs-options setting completely replaces the above settings and runs Ghostscript. The setting of -sOutputFile is always considered to be -sOutputFile=%temp. If %temp is not included, it will be added. If %eps is not included, it will be added at the end. The operation is not guaranteed when invalid parameters are specified.
image-color-profiletrue Specifies whether to embed in the PDF the ICC profile of the color image that will be embedded. If the value is true it is embedded. If the value is false it is not embedded. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Output ICC Profile in Images option. If the PDF to be output is PDF/X-1a, it is always considered false.
import-annotation-typesXSL-FO Samples CollectionKeeping the annotation in the embedded PDFAnnotations contained in the embedded PDF is embeddable directly in PDF. Specify the following character strings (case insensitive) separated by white spaces:
  • All
  • Text
  • Link
  • FreeText
  • Line
  • Square
  • Circle
  • Polygon
  • PolyLine
  • Highlight
  • Underline
  • Squiggly
  • StrikeOut
  • Stamp
  • Caret
  • Ink
  • Popup
  • FileAttachment
  • Sound
  • Movie
  • Screen
  • 3D
  • RichMedia
  • Other
Specify Other when you embed annotations with no type written. When All is specified, all the annotations are embedded. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Import All Annotations option. For more details, see also PDF Embedding.
import-tagged-pdffalseSpecifies whether to permit embedding Tagged PDF in Tagged PDF. If true is specified, Tagged PDF is embedded “as is” without producing an error. In GUI, you can change the setting at Allow Importing Tagged PDF. For more details, see also PDF Embedding. This setting is not available with Antenna House Formatter V7.4 Lite. no-LT
joboptionsSpecifies Adobe PDF Settings File that is passed to Distiller when converting EPS into PDF using Distiller. Only a local file can be specified. A relative path is resolved relative to the target EPS file. However, when the EPS itself is a relative path, the operation will be indeterminate. Specify the joboptions with absolute path preferably. See also the manual of Acrobat etc. for Adobe PDF Settings File. The operation when specifying an inaccurate file etc. will not be guaranteed. When this file is not specified, the following contents which are not almost specified at all will be considered:
  /CompatibilityLevel 1.3
  /AutoRotatePages /None
>> setdistillerparams
>> setpagedevice
Effective only with Windows versions.
linearizedfalse Specifies whether to create linearized PDF. If the value is true, creates linearized PDF that is optimized for Web display. If the value is false, creates normal PDF. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Fast Web View option. no-LT
mediabox-origin-zerofalse Some PDF handling software consider that the origin of /MediaBox is (0,0). According to the PDF specification, it does not matter where the origin is. Antenna House Formatter V7.4 generates PDF so that the origin of /TrimBox is (0,0). If true is specified, adjusts the origin of /MediaBox to (0,0). no-LT
monochrome-compressionccitt4 When the monochrome image format cannot be stored directly in PDF, the image is stored after being transformed into the bit map format that is compatible with PDF. The compression method of the data stored in a PDF file is then specified by one of the following values:
  • ccitt4
  • ccitt3
  • runlength
  • zlib
  • none
See the Image Output for the image format that can be stored directly in PDF. This is the setting for monochrome images. Specifies color-compression for the color image, and grayscale-compression for the grayscale image. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Compression option.
monochrome-compression-defaultccitt4Specifies the value of the compression method of the monochrome image when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
monochrome-downsamplingnone Specifies the method to downsample the raster monochrome image that is put into PDF.
  • none
  • average
  • bicubic
  • subsampling
When a value other than none is specified, an image that has resolution greater than the one specified by monochrome-downsampling-above-dpi will be downsampled to the resolution specified by monochrome-downsampling-target-dpi. This is the setting for the monochrome image. Specifies color-downsampling for the color image, and grayscale-downsampling for the grayscale image. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Downsampling option.
monochrome-downsampling-defaultnoneSpecifies the value of the downsampling of the monochrome image when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
multimedia-treatmentembed Specifies whether to embed multimedia in PDF in case of axf:multimedia-treatment="auto", with one of the following values:
  • embed
  • absolute-link
  • relative-link
  • richmedia
  • richmedia-windowed
new-tagging-modefalseIf true is specified, when explicitly specifying an empty string such as axf:pdftag="''", that element does not create a tag but belongs to the tag to which the parent area belongs. In addition, the Role Map is also enabled, and maps from nonstandard tag names to standard tag names are valid. Specifying axf:pdftag="''" on the root element has no effect since the root element does not have a parent: a Document tag is always created.
no-accessibilityfalseSpecifies whether to permit text access for screen reader devices of PDF files with the value of true or false. If false is specified, it is permitted. If true is specified, it is not permitted. This attribute is effective only when you specify PDF1.4 or later. owner-password is required for the permission settings of text access for screen reader devices to be effective.
no-adding-or-changing-commentsfalseSpecifies whether to permit adding or changing comments and form fields in the PDF or not with the value of true or false. If the value is false, permits adding or changing. If the value is true, permits no changes or additions are allowed. owner-password is required for the permission settings of adding or changing comments and form fields to be effective.
no-assemble-docfalseSpecifies whether to permit inserting, deleting and rotating of PDF pages with the value of true or false. If false is specified, it is permitted. If true is specified, it is not permitted. This attribute is effective only when you specify PDF1.4 or later. owner-password is required for the permission settings of inserting, deleting and rotating of PDF pages to be effective.
no-changingfalseSpecifies whether or not to permit making form field and making other changes in the PDF file or not with the value of true or false. If the value is false, changes are permitted. If the value is true, no changes are permitted. owner-password is required for the permission settings of making form field and making other changes to be effective.
no-content-copyingfalseSpecifies whether to permit copying the text and the graphics in PDF or not with the value of true or false. If the value is false, permits copying. If the value is true, permits no copying. owner-password is required for the permission settings of copying the text and the graphics to be effective.
no-fill-formfalseSpecifies whether to permit filling in of form fields and signing of the PDF file with the value of true or false. If false is specified, it is permitted. If true is specified, it is not permitted. This attribute is effective only when you specify PDF1.4 or later. owner-password is required for the permission settings of filling in of form fields and signing to be effective.
object-compressiontrueCompresses objects in PDF. It is effective with PDF1.5 or later and text-and-lineart-compression="true" is specified. If true is specified, objects will be compressed, if false is specified, they will not be compressed. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Object Compression option.
object-compression-defaulttrueSpecifies the value of the Object Compression when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
overprintSpecifies the overprint. Any values of axf:overprint other than auto can be specified. no-LT
owner-password Sets the strings specified as an owner password. Specify up to 32 ASCII characters for PDF1.3 to 1.7 and 127 ASCII characters for PDF2.0 or later. If the characters other than the above are included, it becomes invalid and it is considered that no password is set. The default value is no-password.
page-labelstrueSpecifies whether to apply the page labels to the page numbers with the value of true or false. If true is specified the page labels are applied, if false is specified, they are not applied. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Output Page Labels option.
pages-max-kids10Specifies the maximum number of elements in the /Kids array of the PDF /Pages dictionary. Negative or 1 cannot be specified. If 0 is specified, there is no tree structure and all pages are arranged flat in the /Kids array.
pass-throughallEmbeds an image in a PDF file as it is if available. This is called pass-through. If both pass-through and downsampling are specified, downsampling will precede pass-through. The image format you want to pass through can be specified by using the pass-through. However, the pass-through is not done in case of unavoidable circumstances even if pass-through is specified. The following strings (case insensitive) can be specified by enumerating them with white-space specified:
  • all
  • gif
  • tiff
  • png
  • jpeg
  • jpeg2000
  • jbig2
  • none
Excludes an image type by placing a hyphen “-” before the image type. For instance, pass-through="all -gif" excludes GIF only. no-LT
pass-through-defaultallSpecifies the image type to be passed through when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
pdf-versionPDF1.5Specifies the version of the PDF to create with one of the following values:
  • PDF1.3
  • PDF1.4
  • PDF1.5
  • PDF1.6
  • PDF1.7
  • PDF2.0
  • PDF/X-1a:2001 no-LT
  • PDF/X-3:2002 no-LT
  • PDF/X-1a:2003 no-LT
  • PDF/X-2:2003 no-LT
  • PDF/X-3:2003 no-LT
  • PDF/X-4:2010 no-LT
  • PDF/X-4p:2010 no-LT
  • PDF/A-1a:2005 no-LT
  • PDF/A-1b:2005 no-LT
  • PDF1.4/A-2a:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.5/A-2a:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.6/A-2a:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.7/A-2a:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.4/A-2b:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.5/A-2b:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.6/A-2b:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.7/A-2b:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.4/A-2u:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.5/A-2u:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.6/A-2u:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.7/A-2u:2011 no-LT
  • PDF1.4/A-3a:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.5/A-3a:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.6/A-3a:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.7/A-3a:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.4/A-3b:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.5/A-3b:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.6/A-3b:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.7/A-3b:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.4/A-3u:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.5/A-3u:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.6/A-3u:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.7/A-3u:2012 no-LT
  • PDF1.5/UA-1:2014 no-LT
  • PDF1.6/UA-1:2014 no-LT
  • PDF1.7/UA-1:2014 no-LT
In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the PDF Version option. PDF/X, PDF/A or PDF/UA cannot be selected with Antenna House Formatter V7.4 Lite.
printing-allowedhigh-resolutionSpecifies whether to print the resulting PDF file or not. If high-resolution is specified, it allows to printing in high resolution. low-resolution is effective with PDF1.4 or later. If low-resolution is specified, it allows printing in low resolution. If the PDF version is 1.3, it is handled as high-resolution. If none is specified, it does not allow printing. owner-password is required for the permission settings of printing the PDF file to be effective.
rasterize-resolution108A part of a vector image is transformed to a raster image and stored in the PDF. Specifies the value of the rasterize-resolution of the transformed raster images in the range from 70 to 500(dpi). If the value is out of range, the default value is adopted. This setting is effective only with Windows versions. The vector format image which cannot be stored directly in PDF is not supported with non-Windows versions. See also Image Output to learn about the file formats which can be stored directly in PDF.
real-value-limit2The limit value of the real value described in PDF is within ±32767 with PDF version less than or equal to 1.4, within ±3.403×1038 with PDF1.5 or later. However, even if the PDF1.5 or later, if the value exceeds ±32767, some viewers may generate an error. Therefore the outputted real value can be checked so that it may not exceed the limit value when the PDF1.5 or later. The following values can be specified:
0.The limit value is not checked.
1.Checked if the value is within ±32767.
2.Checked if the value is within ±2.14748×109 (approximately).
3.Checked if the value is within ±9.22337×1018 (approximately).
If the value greater than or equal to 2 is specified, it's considered that 1 is specified with PDF version less than or equal to 1.5.
real-value-limit-modifyfalseSpecifies whether to modify the value when it exceeds the limit value specified by real-value-limit. If real-value-limit-modify="false" is specified, the value is only checked and it will not be modified.
reverse-pagefalseIf the value is true, outputs pages in reverse order to PDF.
tagged-pdffalseSpecifies whether to make Tagged PDF file or not. PDF may not be able to be tagged depending on the PDF versions. In this case this setting will be ignored. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Tagged PDF option. no-LT
text-and-lineart-compressiontrueSpecifies whether the text and the line art in PDF are compressed in order to make the size of PDF smaller or not. If the value is true, it is compressed. If the value is false, it is not compressed. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the Text and Line-Art Compression option.
text-and-lineart-compression-defaulttrueSpecifies the value of the Text-and-Lineart Compression when pressing the “Reset Default Settings” button or the “High Compression Settings” button in the Compression page in the PDF Option Setting Dialog in GUI. no-LT
transparencytrueSpecifies whether to convert transparency output to PDF into opaque. If true is specified, transparency is output as is. If false is specified, it is converted into opaque. In GUI, you can change this setting in Convert Transparency to Opaque
transparency-color-spaceDeviceRGBSpecifies the color space when processing the transparency in PDF. Either of the following can be specified:
  • None
  • DeviceRGB
  • DeviceCMYK
use-launch-for-local-filetrueSpecifies whether the external link (external-destination property) specified by the local file is transformed into “Open the file” or into “World Wide Web link” in the PDF link properties with the value of true or false. If the value is true, it is transformed to “Open the file”. If the value is false, it is transformed to “World Wide Web link”. In GUI, it can be specified by selecting the External Destination Link with Local File option.
user-password Sets the strings specified as a user password. Specify up to 32 ASCII characters for PDF1.3 to 1.7 and 127 ASCII characters for PDF2.0 or later. If the characters other than the above are included, it becomes invalid and it is onsidered that no password is set. The default value is no-password.
xmp-padding2000Specifies the padding size to assist XMP editing in place when embedding XMP specified by <axf:document-info name="xmp"> or automatically generated XMP in PDF. When the value is 0 or less, padding is not applied. Also, padding is not applied to XMP with <?xpacket end="r"?>.
<embed-font>child of <pdf-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
fontIntroduction to CSS for Paged MediafontSpecifies the fonts that are embedded in the PDF. This element is effective only when embed-all-fonts="false" is specified. When embed-all-fonts="false" is specified and this element is not specified, only the glyphs of the characters that are needed in the PDF output are embedded. When this element is specified and if the font indicated here is used within the formatted results, the glyph of the character currently used will be embedded. For a font that is not specified, embedding is performed only for the glyphs of the characters that are needed in the PDF output.
<tag-role-map>child of <pdf-settings>
It is an element for putting together <tag-element>. Evaluates the child element only when new-tagging-mode="true".
<tag-element>child of <tag-role-map> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
tag-base-nameWhen Tagged PDF is output, maps the tag element name from the value of tag-derived-name to the value of tag-base-name.
When written like the above, tags in the area where the value of axf:pdftag is created from FO with p1 or p2 are tagged as mapped to the P element.

PostScript Output Settings

These settings are used for PostScript® Output.

<ps-settings>child of <formatter-config>
noembed-fontfalseSpecifies whether fonts are embedded in the outputted PostScript. When true is specified, the font information is not embedded and the font must be referred to only by the PostScript name. The following are restrictions:
  • The PostScript interpreter may not be correctly processed when the font includes a multi-byte code like Japanese, etc. With Distiller, an error like
    MS-Mincho not found and using Courier.
    may be generated.
  • Character-codes greater than 255 cannot be outputted.
When using non-Type 1 fonts, it's not recommended to specify noembed-font.
transparencyfalse When true is specified, the transparency will be processed upon outputting pdfmark, which is a PostScript extension. At this time, open joboptions in your text editor and then modify “/AllowTransparency false” to “/AllowTransparency true”. The directory of joboptions varies depending on the setting; either the preset or the custom setting. For more details, see also the manual of Adobe Acrobat. This specification is valid when printing to Distiller too. no-LT
use-launch-for-local-fileSpecifies whether the external link (external-destination property) specified by the local file is transformed into “Open the file” or into “World Wide Web link” in the PDF link properties with the value of true or false. If the value is true, it is transformed to “Open the file”. If the value is false, it is transformed to “World Wide Web link”. When nothing is specified, follows the specification of use-launch-for-local-file in PDF Output Settings.

SVG Rendering Settings

These settings are used for SVG Rendering.

<svg-render-settings>child of <formatter-config>
current-color-eval-at-paintingtrue Specifies the evaluation timing of currentColor. When the value is true, adopts the color property of the element with fill/stroke being executed. When the value is false, adopts the color property of the element with currentColor specified.
image-element-eval-as-svg20true Specifies whether the <image> should be evaluated according to the SVG 2.0 specification. The SVG 2.0 specification enables the auto value for width/height and prohibits the reference destination from opening external files. When the value is true, evaluates it according to the SVG 2.0 specification. When the value is false, evaluates it according to the SVG 1.1 specification.
inherit-svg-fill-colorfalseWhen “fill” in the root element is omitted, the value of “color” specified in the upper XML is inherited.
marker-evaluation-elementsline path polygon polyline Specifies the graphic elements that draw markers, separated by spaces. According to the specifications, markers are drawn for all graphic elements, but browsers often evaluate only a limited number of elements, and the default values are set accordingly.
outermost-svg-eval-as-isolatetrue Specifies whether to treat the outermost <svg> as an isolation element. When the value is true, the outermost <svg> descendant element is not composed with the background because it is treated as an isolation element even if isolation is not required.
radial-gradient-eval-as-svg20true Specifies whether the <radialGradient> should be evaluated according to the SVG 2.0 specification. When the value is true, evaluates it according to the SVG 2.0 specification. When the value is false, ignores the truncated focal radius so that the focal point is within the end circle as per the SVG 1.1 specification.
rasterize-dpi108 Specifies the dpi when rasterization is required for a filter, etc. This is a setting for the size of the SVG image itself, not the size when the SVG image is rendered on the output medium.
rasterize-size-lower-limit100 When rasterization is required for a filter, etc., the number of vertical or horizontal pixels of the image will be limited to no less than this value.
rasterize-size-upper-limit4000 When rasterization is required for a filter, etc., the number of vertical or horizontal pixels of the image will be limited to not exceed this value.
responsive-svg-sizereferenceSpecifies whether the size matches the viewBox setting when width/height of the root element are omitted. The following values can be specified:
  • reference : It is considered width="100%" height="100%" according to the SVG specification.
  • viewBox : If viewBox is specified as the root element, it is considered its size.
use-element-eval-as-shadow-elementfalse Specifies whether <use> should be evaluated according to the SVG 2.0 specification. According to the SVG 2.0 specification, the element of the reference destination is evaluated as a shadow element, and CSS selectors are evaluated as such. When the value is true, evaluates it according to the SVG 2.0 specification. When the value is false, evaluates it according to the SVG 1.1 specification.
width-height-as-presentation-attributefalse Specifies whether to evaluate width/height of elements other than <svg> as presentation attributes. When the value is true, evaluates it as a presentation attribute. When the value is false, evaluates it as an attribute.

SVG Output Settings

These settings are used for SVG Output.

<svg-settings>child of <formatter-config>
copy-image-path Specifies the destination directory where the images will be copied when image-processing is copy-all or copy.
copy-image-prefix When images are copied to the directory specified by copy-image-path and processed, specifies the prefix of the file name. The file name will be prefix with sequence numbers. Default is empty character string with only sequential numbers.
create-copy-image-pathfalse When images are copied to the directory specified by copy-image-path and processed, if the destination directory of the specified image copy does not exist, specifies whether to create the directory by true or false. If false is specified, it will not be created and an error will occur. If true is specified, it will be created. V7.4
formatXSL-FO Samples CollectionPage number format and initial page number1 When the formatted result is output to multiple SVG files specified by false in singlefile, specifies the format of the additional character string to output to the file name. This character string adopts the character string same as the format property of FO. Each file name is automatically determined based on the output file name. The character string as formatted by the value specified by format will be inserted just before the extension of the output file. For example, if the file name is document.svg, and format="-1" is specified, the files become document-1.svg and document-2.svg and so on.
gzip-compressionfalse If the value is true, creates SVG compressed in gzip format. If the value is false, it is not compressed.
image-conversionauto When the image format to be embedded is a raster image other than JPEG or PNG, it is converted into JPEG or PNG and embedded. The following either can be specified:
  • auto
  • jpeg
  • png
When auto is selected, images of monochrome, grayscale or 256-or-less-color are converted into PNG, and the rest are converted into JPEG.
image-processingembed-all Specifies how to treat the referred image.
  • embed-all
    Embeds all images in the SVG.
  • link
    Links images that have been linked, and embeds the embedded image. Raster images other than JPEG and PNG are always embedded.
  • copy-all
    Copies all image files to the destination that is specified by copy-image-path, and then links.
  • copy
    Copies images that have been linked to the destination that is specified by copy-image-path, and links. The embedded image are embedded.
For details about the operation, see Image Output in SVG Output.
jpeg-quality80 For images that cannot be embedded directly in SVG, specifies the image quality by the numerical value within the range of 1 to 100 when jpeg or auto is specified by image-conversion. The higher the number the better the quality in proportion to the increase in the number; however the file size also becomes larger.
rename-copy-imagefalse When images are copied to the directory specified by copy-image-path etc. and processed, specifies whether to rename all file name to prefix specified by copy-image-prefix, or use original name. When the file name overlaps, sequential number is added. When true is specified, all files are renamed.
singlefilefalse Specifies whether the formatted result composed of multiple pages is output as a single SVG file or as multiple SVG files.
If the value is true, outputs as a single SVG file. If the value is false, outputs as multiple SVG files. When multiple files are output, the file is named by the format specified by format.
Effective only when outputting to a file. It is invalid in the output without the file name like the stream etc.
singlefile-numbertrue When singlefile="false" is specified, specifies whether to add sequential number to the output SVG even if it has only one-page. It is not added in case of false.
rasterize-resolution108If part of a vector image is transformed to a raster image and stored in the SVG. Specifies the value of the rasterized-resolution of the transformed raster images in the range from 70 to 500(dpi). SVG, EMF and WMF are drawn in SVG as vectors without being transformed to raster images. This setting is effective only with Windows versions. The vector format image which cannot be stored directly in SVG is not supported with non-Windows versions.
svg-version2.0Specifies the version of the SVG to create with one of the following values:
  • 2.0
  • 1.1
  • Basic
  • Tiny

TEXT Output Settings no-LT

These settings are used for TEXT Output. These settings are not effective with Antenna House Formatter V7.4 Lite.

<text-settings>child of <formatter-config>
encodingUTF-8Specifies the encoding of the output text. The following encodings are available (case insensitive):
  • UTF-8
  • UTF-16
  • UTF-16BE
  • UTF-16LE
  • UTF-32
  • UTF-32BE
  • UTF-32LE
  • ISO-10646-UCS-2
  • ISO-10646-UCS-4
  • ANSI_X3.4
  • ISO_646.irv
  • ISO646-US
  • ISO_8859-1
  • latin1
  • Windows-31J
  • Shift_JIS
  • EUC-JP
  • ISO-2022-JP
Endian of UTF-16, UTF-32 etc. depends on the processor in the operating system.
eol-markerCRLF or LFSpecifies the linefeed code of the output text. The following can be specified (case insensitive):
  • CRLF
  • LF
  • CR
The default value is CRLF in Windows, LF in others.

MathML Settings

These settings are used for MathML.

<mathml-settings>child of <formatter-config>
mathDisplayinlineIn the MathML specification, the default value of display in <math> is defined as inline, but it can be changed. One of the following can be specified:
  • inline
  • block
  • context
If the context that contains <math> is a block, context takes its initial value as block and otherwise inline. The following are considered block contexts:
  • (X)HTML
  • MathML is directly described (not external reference)
  • The parent element of <math> is a block element
  • <math> is a single child
scriptsizemultiplier0.71In the MathML specification, although the default value of scriptsizemultiplier is defined, the value can be changed by specifying the unitless numerical value (>0).  OpenType MATH Feature
scriptsizemultiplierMscarries0.6In the MathML specification, although the default value of scriptsizemultiplier of <mscarries> is defined, the value can be changed by specifying the unitless numerical value (>0).
scriptminsize *8ptIn the MathML specification, although the default value of scriptminsize is defined, the value can be changed by specifying the absolute value with units (≥0).
scriptmaxsize *0ptIn the MathML specification, although there is no definition of the limit value of scriptmaxsize, the value can be set by specifying the absolute value with units (≥0). If less than or equal to scriptminsize is specified, it is considered unlimited.
largeopmultiplier1.414Specifies the multiplier of largeop by the unitless numerical value (≥1).  OpenType MATH Feature
largeopmultiplierInt2.0Specifies the multiplier of largeop against the integral by the unitless numerical value (≥1). The integral consists of 27 characters of U+222B to U+2233 and U+2A0B to U+2A1C.  OpenType MATH Feature
mathsizeSmall0.83Specifies the multiplier against mathsize="small" by the unitless numerical value (>0).
mathsizeBig1.17Specifies the multiplier against mathsize="big" by the unitless numerical value (>0).
enQuad1/2Specifies the space for EN QUAD U+2000 by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
emQuad1Specifies the space for EM QUAD U+2001 by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
enSpace1/2Specifies the space for EN SPACE U+2002 by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
emSpace1Specifies the space for EM SPACE U+2003 by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
thinSpace2/10Specifies the space for THIN SPACE U+2009 by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
hairSpace1/10Specifies the space for HAIR SPACE U+200A by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
veryverythinmathspace1/18Specifies the space for veryverythinmathspace by the unitless numerical value (>0). The numerical value is in unit of em.
verythinmathspace2/18Specifies the space for verythinmathspace by the unitless numerical value (>0). The numerical value is in unit of em.
thinmathspace3/18Specifies the space for thinmathspace by the unitless numerical value (>0). The numerical value is in unit of em.
mediummathspace4/18Specifies the space for mediummathspace by the unitless numerical value (>0). The numerical value is in unit of em.
thickmathspace5/18Specifies the space for thickmathspace by the unitless numerical value (>0). The numerical value is in unit of em.
verythickmathspace6/18Specifies the space for verythickmathspace by the unitless numerical value (>0). The numerical value is in unit of em.
veryverythickmathspace7/18Specifies the space for veryverythickmathspace by the unitless numerical value (>0). The numerical value is in unit of em.
underOverOffset0.15Specifies the space between the over/under scripts and the base character by the numerical value with no units or the named length. The numerical value is the em value.  OpenType MATH Feature
defaultLSpacethickmathspaceSpecifies the lspace value of the operator that is not registered in the operator dictionary by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em. However, it is always 0 when the operator is empty or the operator has a blank fixed width.
defaultRSpacethickmathspaceSpecifies the rspace value of the operator that is not registered in the operator dictionary by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em. However, it is always 0 when the operator is empty or the operator has a blank fixed width.
defaultMinsize **100%In the MathML specification, although the default value of minsize of <mo> is defined as 100%, the value can be changed by specifying the numerical value with units (≥0).
defaultLineleading **0ptSpecifies the default value of lineleading of <mo> with the numerical value with units (≥0). The value indicates the space between lines.
mathLeading *0ptThe only way to control the space between lines when the line break occurs is to do with lineleading of <mo>. The line break can also be specified in <mspace>, but there is no way to specify the space between lines at that time. mathLeading specifies all spaces between lines by the line break with an absolute value with units (≥0). The setting of lineleading of <mo> will be added.  OpenType MATH Feature
linebreakingHeightAdjusttrueWhen the line break occurs, there is no rule on how the height of each row should be. If false is specified, the height of each row is the height of the entire row before the line break occurs. That is, each row has the same height. If true is specified, the height of each row is its height respectively.
indentingnewline **0ptThe value of <mspace linebreak="indentingnewline"> was abolished with MathML 3.0. However the amount of space you want to indent can be specified by the numerical value with units (≥0).
applyFunctionSpacethinmathspaceSpecifies the space for FUNCTION APPLICATION U+2061 when the space is required, by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
invisibleTimesSpacethinmathspaceSpecifies the space for INVISIBLE TIMES U+2062 when the space is required, by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
scriptAlignMode1Specifies the alignment of subscript/superscript in vertical mode.
0.Aligns the upper end of a boundary rectangle of subscript to the center line of the base character. Aligns the lower end of a boundary rectangle of superscript to the center line of the base character. (V6.3 compatible)
1.Aligns the center line of subscript to the base line of the base character. Aligns the base line of superscript to the center of the glyph, upper than the center line of the base character. When subscript and superscript overlaps by <msubsup>, etc., it will be adjusted properly.
When the size of the subscript is small, superscript will shift up and subscript will shift down to make them look better.
italicSubscriptShift-0.04Specifies the shift amount of the lower-right and upper-left scripts by the unitless numeric value with <msub>, <msubsup> and <mmultiscripts> when the base character is italic. the numeric value is in unit of em. it's not applied to the integral of largeop.  OpenType MATH Feature
integralSubscriptShift-0.3 -0.2Specifies the shift amount of the lower right script (<msub>) of the integral of the largeop by the unitless numerical value or the named length. As for the upper right, it shifts only the amount of -integralSubscriptShift. The 2 values can be specified, the first one indicates the value when displaystyle="true" is specified, the next one indicates the value when displaystyle="false" is specified. The numerical value is in unit of em.  OpenType MATH Feature
integralSuperscriptShift0.02 0Specifies the shift amount of the upper right script (<msup>) of the integral of the largeop by the unitless numerical value or the named length. As for the lower right, it shifts only the amount of -integralSuperscriptShift. The 2 values can be specified, the first one indicates the value when displaystyle="true" is specified, the next one indicates the value when displaystyle="false" is specified. The numerical value is in unit of em.  OpenType MATH Feature
integralUnderOverShift0.2 0.12 Specifies the shift amount of the over/under script (<mover>, <munder> and <munderover>) of the integral of the largeop by the unitless numerical value or the named length. The 2 values can be specified, the first one indicates the value when displaystyle="true" is specified, the next one indicates the value when displaystyle="false" is specified. The numerical value is in unit of em. This shift is available only when align="center" is specified. Over script will shift to the right, under script will shift to the left. In the MathML specification, the alignment of over script and under script cannot be specified independently, it is not easy to format the script shown in the folowing image.
integralUnderOverShift makes it easy to format such scripts.  OpenType MATH Feature
thinLine0.5/18Specifies the thickness of linethickness="thin", mslinethickness="thin" by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
mediumLine1/18Specifies the thickness of linethickness="medium", mslinethickness="medium" by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
thickLine2/18Specifies the thickness of linethickness="thick", mslinethickness="thick" by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
fracLineExtend1/18Specifies the extended amount of a fraction line to the right and left with <mfrac> by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
fracLineSpace1/18Specifies the right and left spaces of a fraction line with <mfrac> by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
fracLineOverGap1/18Specifies the overline offset of a fraction line with <mfrac> by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.  OpenType MATH Feature
fracLineUnderGap1/18Specifies the underline offset of a fraction line with <mfrac> by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.  OpenType MATH Feature
bevelledAngle70Specifies the angle of a bevelled fraction line by the unitless numerical value (≥10, <90). The value is in unit of degree. It would be better not to specify too small value.
bevelledHeight1.5Specifies the height of a bevelled fraction line by the unitless numerical value (>0). The value is the multiplier against the higher one of a numerator or a denominator.
rootPosition1x-0.6Specifies the shape of a radical symbol by the unitless numerical value or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
rootRoundRadius1/18Rounds the left part of the radical symbol. Specify the rounding radius with unitless numerical values (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em. If it is 0, no rounding is done.
encloseLineThickness1/18Specifies the thickness of the line drawn by <menclose> by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
encloseCircleXSL-FO Samples CollectionMathML rendering of menclose notation="circle" and pseudo scriptinscribedSpecifies whether a circle drawn with <menclose notation="circle"> is inscribed or circumscribed against the boundary rectangle. inscribed or circumscribed can be specified. The circumscribed circle is a similar figure to the inscribed circle.
roundedboxRadius0.25Specifies the rounded box radius when <menclose notation="roundedbox"> is specified, by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
columnspacing **0.4emIn the MathML specification, the default value of columnspacing is predefined, but it can be specified and changed with a numeric value with a unit. Note that only a numeric value can be specified. (Note: The default value predefined in the MathML specification is 0.8em, but the default value of Antenna House Formatter V7.4 has been changed.)
rowspacing **1.0exIn the MathML specification, the default value of rowspacing is predefined, but it can be specified and changed with a numeric value with a unit. Note that only a numeric value can be specified.
framespacing **0.2em 0.5ex 0emIn the MathML specification, the default value of framespacing is predefined, but it can be specified and changed with a numeric value with a unit. The first two values are predefined in the MathML specification, showing the spacing of left/right and top/bottom where frame="none" is not specified. The third value is the extension, showing the spacing of left/right where frame="none" is specified. (Note: The default values predefined in the MathML specification are 0.4em 0.5ex, but the default values of Antenna House Formatter V7.4 have been changed.)
columnlineThickness1/18Specifies the thickness of the ruled line of a column with <mtable> by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
rowlineThickness1/18Specifies the thickness of the ruled line of a row with <mtable> by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
framelineThickness1/18Specifies the thickness of the ruled line of a frame with <mtable> by the unitless numerical value (>0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
charspacingTight0Specifies the space when <mstack charspacing="tight"> is specified, by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
charspacingMedium0.2Specifies the space when <mstack charspacing="medium"> is specified, by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
charspacingLoose0.4Specifies the space when <mstack charspacing="loose"> is specified, by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
overlapMslinetrueSpecifies whether to draw <msline> over the above <msrow>. When mslinethickness is extremely thick, <msline> overlaps the characters of the above <msrow>. In such a case, specify false.
mslineOverGap0Specifies the space above <msline> by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em. It is invalid when overlapMsline="true" is specified.
mslineUnderGap0Specifies the space below <msline> by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em. It is invalid when overlapMsline="true" is specified.
crossoutThickness1/18Specifies the line thickness of crossout of <mscarry> by the unitless numerical value (≥0) or the named length. The numerical value is in unit of em.
errorColorredSpecifies the color with <merror>.
errorBackgroundtransparentSpecifies the background color with <merror>.
escapingMs\Specifies the escape character with <ms>. If empty is specified, the escape processing will not be performed.
italicizeMi U+0041-005A,
Specifies the range of Unicode of the character that is made italic with <mi>. See also Unicode Range to learn more about the format. In MathML specifications, it is written only that single character is made italic with <mi>. However neither numbers nor ∞ are made italic by lots of implementations. The default value contains only the character of Latn, Grek, and Cyrl.
stylisticMiSpecifies the Unicode Range to a single letter specified by <mi> to apply GSUB of ss02 in OpenType font. As for the format, see Unicode Range. For example, in STIX Two Math, glyphs are prepared for the following 5 letters:
  • U+1D454 g
  • U+1D462 u
  • U+1D463 v
  • U+1D464 w
  • U+1D467 z
You can specify these Unicode or you can specify U+0067 etc. instead. To specify everything, you may specify stylisticMi="'guvwz'".
substKeyboardCharacterstrue Specifies whether to enable the character substitutions defined in 7.7.1 Keyboard Characters in the MathML specification. See also Character Substitutions.
pseudoScriptsXSL-FO Samples CollectionMathML rendering of menclose notation="circle" and pseudo scripttrueSpecifies whether to make MathML specifications 7.7.2 Pseudo-scripts processing effective. If true is specified, when all the character strings of superscripts, such as <msup> etc., are pseudo superscripts, a script level will not be changed and a baseline will not be changed, either. The same is applied to subscripts, such as <msub>, etc.
inheritFontweightfalseSpecifies whether to inherit the default of fontweight from the upper environment by the value of true or false.
enableOpenTypeMATHtrueSpecifies whether to enable OpenType MATH feature. If true is specified, all processing is effective. If false is specified, all processing is invalid. When you want to enable only the specific processing, specify as follows by enumerating function name keywords separated by whitespace:
enableOpenTypeMATH=​"scriptsizemultiplier upperlowerlimit"
If you want to invalidate only the specific processing, specify as follows by putting “-” before the function name keyword:
enableOpenTypeMATH=​"-‍largeopmultiplier -‍italicscorrection"
See the OpenType MATH Feature to learn feature name keywords and what will happen corresponding to them. It is invalid with fonts that do not contain MATH features.
exceptOpenTypeMATHVariantsWhen you do not want to apply the OpenType feature to some characters with largeopmultiplier, vertstretchy in enableOpenTypeMATH, enumerate the characters you want to exclude. As for the format, see Unicode Range. For example, in STIX version 2.0, glyphs for largeop are prepared for U+22C0 etc., but the position of the baseline is lowered and not aligned with U+2211 etc. You may specify such characters as “U‍+‍22C0‍-‍22C3”.
mathmlSettingsMode7.4There are some contents that the default value has been changed or added in the MathML settings. If you specify a previous version, such as mathmlSettingsMode="6.3", the initial value can be changed to the one at that time.
<variant-font>child of <mathml-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
Specifies the font corresponding to mathvariant. See also Fonts for Math Expression.
mathvariantEither of the following can be specified:
  • empty string
  • normal
  • bold
  • italic
  • bold-italic
  • double-struck
  • bold-fraktur
  • script
  • bold-script
  • fraktur
  • sans-serif
  • bold-sans-serif
  • sans-serif-italic
  • sans-serif-bold-italic
  • monospace
Specifying empty string would be the standard font used by MathML.
fontfamilySpecifies the font to be used. The default value of mathvariant="" in Windows versions is:
fontfamily="'STIX Two Math', 'STIX Two Text', 'STIX', 'STIXGeneral', 'Cambria Math'"
In non-Windows versions is:
fontfamily="'STIX Two Math', 'STIX Two Text', 'STIX', 'STIXGeneral'"
In any cases other than mathvariant="", mathvariant="" font is the default value. See also <font-entry>.
center-shift0The center position of a character can be adjusted. When the minus etc. are remarkably shifted from the center, the position can be specified by the unitless numerical value. The numerical value is in unit of em. See also Fonts for Math Expression.
<font-entry>child of <variant-font> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
Specifies the font that corresponds to the script or Unicode Range. This setting can change a part of fonts specified by fontfamily of <variant-font>. The following shows the example:
<variant-font mathvariant="normal" fontfamily="'Cambria Math'">
 <font-entry script="Latn" fontfamily="'Times New Roman'"/>
Either script or unicode-range must be specified. The effect is not guaranteed when both are specified.
fontfamilySpecifies the font to use.
scriptSpecifies the scripts, such as Latn or Grek. The available scripts conform to ISO 15924. However, Zyyy, etc. cannot be specified.
unicode-rangeSpecifies the range of Unicode to apply. See also Unicode Range to learn more about the format.
mathvariant Some fonts behave as regular fonts even if they are designed as italic. In such fonts, if mathvariant="italic" is specified, they will be doubly slanted. To avoid this, specify mathvariant="normal". See also Fonts for Math Expression.
center-shiftThe center position of a character can be adjusted. When the minus etc. are remarkably shifted from the center, the position can be specified by the unitless numerical value. The numerical value is in unit of em. The default value is the value of <variant-font>. See also Fonts for Math Expression.
<operator-dictionary>child of <mathml-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
<operator-dictionary> is specified in order to change the contents of the default operator dictionary. See also MathML Conformance to learn more about the operator dictionary.
srcURI of the operator dictionary can be specified as src. If you setup a relative path, this setting file is being considered the relative. The content is XML of the same content as this element whose root is <operator-dictionary>. However, src cannot be specified.
<entry>child of <operator-dictionary> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary)
If the setting is the same, latter one will take precedence. The default value is the one when the new unregistered operator is specified. When the operator is already registered, omitted attribute values will not be changed. <entry> is disregarded when src of <operator-dictionary> is specified.
operatorSpecifies the operator. This setting is required.
formSpecifies either of the following:
  • prefix
  • infix
  • postfix
This setting is required.
priority0Specifies the integer value.
lspace5Specifies the value from 0 to 7. Values have the following meanings:
0.Adds no spaces.
1.Adds the space of veryverythinmathspace.
2.Adds the space of verythinmathspace.
3.Adds the space of thinmathspace.
4.Adds the space of mediummathspace.
5.Adds the space of thickmathspace.
6.Adds the space of verythickmathspace.
7.Adds the space of veryverythickmathspace.
minsizeSpecifies the relative value with units or the absolute value, such as em. The relative value is changed into the absolute value when it is used. When there is no settings, it depends on the setting of <mo>.
accentfalseSpecifies either true or false.
fencefalseSpecifies either true or false.
separatorfalseSpecifies either true or false.
stretchyfalseSpecifies either true or false.
symmetricfalseSpecifies either true or false.
largeopfalseSpecifies either true or false.
movablelimitsfalseSpecifies either true or false.
linebreakstylebeforeSpecifies either of the following:
  • before
  • after
  • duplicate

The named length is either of the following:

  • veryverythinmathspace
  • verythinmathspace
  • thinmathspace
  • mediummathspace
  • thickmathspace
  • verythickmathspace
  • veryverythickmathspace
  • negativeveryverythinmathspace
  • negativeverythinmathspace
  • negativethinmathspace
  • negativemediummathspace
  • negativethickmathspace
  • negativeverythickmathspace
  • negativeveryverythickmathspace

negative* is a negative length. negative* cannot be used in the scene where a positive value is calculated.

OpenType MATH Feature

OpenType fonts for math expressions may contain MATH features. The MATH feature contains a lot of information for the math expression layout. In Antenna House Formatter V7.4, you can use the various MATH features by setting enableOpenTypeMATH. The feature name keywords that can be specified for enableOpenTypeMATH are as follows:

  • true

    Enable all processing.

  • false

    Disable all processing.

  • scriptsizemultiplier

    When scriptsizemultiplier is not specified, applies


    to scriptlevel=1. Applies


    to scriptlevel=2. Applies


    to scriptlevel=3 or more. (L=scriptlevel-2 here)

  • mathleading



    to the space between lines when the line break occurs. At this time, mathLeading is ignored.

  • largeopmultiplier

    If MathVariants has a definition for largeop <mo>, adopts that glyph. At that time, if there is a glyph of


    or more, adopts the smallest glyph within it, otherwise adopts the largest glyph. At this time, when the following values exceed 1.0, they are ignored:

  • vertstretchy

    If there is a definition in MathVariants for vertically stretching <mo>, that glyph is used. However, the stretching with the combination of multiple glyphs is not supported.

  • italicscorrection

    For characters with ItalicsCorrection defined, the following are ignored:

    Subscript is adjusted to the position considering ItalicsCorrection, superscript is not adjusted. (The script on the left side behaves in the opposite way.)

  • fractiongap

    Adjusts the distance between the fraction rule and the numerator/denominator by <mfrac> using the following:


    At this time, the following are ignored:

  • fractionthickness

    Sets the default thickness of the fraction rule to the value of


    when linethickness in <mfrac> is not specified.

  • upperlowerlimit

    Adjusts the minimum distance between the over/under scripts and the base character by <munder>, <mover> and <munderover> using the following:


  • radicalgap

    Adjusts the distance between the roof of the radical symbol and the math contents using the following:


    At this time rootPosition4y is ignored.

  • radicalthickness



    to the thickness of the radical symbol. This value will be the value of rootThickness4. The values of rootThickness1, rootThickness2 and rootThickness3 are calculated from rootThickness4 according to the ratio of the values specified in the Option Setting File.

Fonts for Math Expression

In order to format the math expression finely, it is necessary to prepare the font for math expression. Some fonts for math expression are introduced here.

STIX Fonts

Antenna House Formatter V7.4 assumes the STIX fonts are used by default. STIX fonts are downloadable from the following:

When using STIX fonts, it is not necessary to specify something to the Option Setting File in particular. However when using other fonts, it is necessary to do a proper setting with <variant-font>.

Cambria Math Fonts

Fonts for Math expression called Cambria Math are enclosed in Windows. In Antenna House Formatter V7.4 Windows versions, when STIX fonts are not installed, these fonts are the default. In order to invalidate STIX fonts and always use these fonts, specify as follows:

<variant-font fontfamily="'Cambria Math'"/>

BaKoMa Fonts

BaKoMa fonts are often used with TeX. BaKoMa fonts are downloadable from the following:

It is recommended to use ttf or otf from here.
Since these fonts are old, there is no relevance as the font family respectively. If you use all of them, a lot of settings would be required. The following shows an example of changing x y z in STIX fonts in italic into the round shape letter peculiar to the math expression:

<variant-font mathvariant="italic">
 <font-entry unicode-range="U+0061-007A" fontfamily="cmmi10" mathvariant="normal"/>
<variant-font mathvariant="bold-italic">
 <font-entry unicode-range="U+0061-007A" fontfamily="cmmib10" mathvariant="normal"/>

Even if BaKoMa fonts are designed to be italic, the information which shows it does not exist in the font. Therefore, the setting of mathvariant="normal" is needed so that the text is not slanted doubly. The same applies to bold.

CGM Settings

These settings are used for CGM.

<cgm-settings>child of <formatter-config>
issue-unknown-element10Specifies whether a warning message is issued when unknown elements appear. If -1 is specified, issues a warning against all unknown elements, then ignore these elements. If greater than or equal to 1 is specified, issues a warning up to the specified number, then ignores these elements, when it reaches its number, stops evaluating CGM.
issue-unsupported-element1Specifies whether a warning message is issued against unsupported elements. When -1 is specified, issues a warning against all elements. if 0 is specified, a warning message is not issued. If greater than or equal to 1 is specified, issues a warning up to the specified number for each element.
default-line-caproundSpecifies the default value of LINE CAP / EDGE CAP by either of the following (the number on the left can also be specified):
  1. butt
  2. round
  3. square
default-line-joinroundSpecifies the default value of LINE JOIN / EDGE JOIN by either of the following (the number on the left can also be specified):
  1. miter
  2. round
  3. bevel
default-mitre-limit-1Specifies the default value of MITRE LIMIT. If a negative value is specified, the limit is not outputted. (It's environment dependent.)
default-restricted-text-typeboxed-capSpecifies the default value of RESTRICTED TEXT TYPE by either of the following (the number on the left can also be specified):
  1. basic
  2. boxed-cap
  3. boxed-all
  4. isotropic-cap
  5. isotropic-all
  6. justified
The default value on ISO specification is basic.
fallback-fontSpecifies the fallback font in case the font settings in CGM is insufficient.
aciSpecifies the file of Application Configurable Items. See also Application Configurable Items.

XSLT Settings

These settings are used for XSLT Processor.

<xslt-settings>child of <formatter-config>
msxmltrueSpecifies whether to use MSXML or not. If true is specified, MSXML is used as an XSLT Processor. Specification of command is disregarded at this time. If false is specified, the external XSLT Processor specified from command will be used, but when nothing is specified from command, it is considered that true is specified and MSXML is used. The version of MSXML actually used can be checked on the XSLT page of the Format Option Setting Dialog. This setting is ignored in non-Windows environment.
msxmlver0Specifies the maximum version of MSXML used internally when msxml="true" is specified. Any version from 6 to 3 can be specified. For example, when 5 is specified, Antenna House Formatter V7.4 searches MSXML in order of MSXML5 → MSXML4 → MSXML3 and adopts the first found MSXML. If nothing is specified or the specified value is incorrect (such as 0), the version will be considered 6. This setting is effective only with Windows versions.
command The command line of the External XSLT Processor is specified here. The command line strings must include at least three identifiers, %1, %2 and %3.
  • %1 : XML document
  • %2 : XSL stylesheet
  • %3 : XSLT Output File
  • %param : Parameter of xsl:param
If nothing is specified, or “@MSXML” is specified, the external processor is not used but the internal processor, MSXML is used. This setting is effective only with Windows versions. It's an initial setting of XSLT Processor with all kinds of interfaces. If nothing is specified in non-Windows environment, XSLT transformation is not performed.
param-optionSpecifies the parameter type of xsl:param given to the external XSLT Processor. The strings must include at least two identifiers, %p and %v. These values are as follows:
  • %p : Value of name of <param>
  • %v : Value of value of <param>
These values affect the part of %param in the command strings. When two or more <param>s are specified, they are divided by the white space and repeated.
<param>child of <xslt-settings>
nameSpecifies the parameter name of xsl:param for XSLT Processor.
valueSpecifies the parameter value of xsl:param for XSLT Processor. When the value includes a white space, since the quotation marks will not be processed, explicitly enclose in quotation marks.
<stylesheet>child of <xslt-settings>
ns Possible to specify the stylesheet applied to a specific XML document. Specifies the name space of the XML document by ns, and specifies the URI of the stylesheet by href. The following shows the example of XHTML and WordML:
<stylesheet ns="http://www.w3.org/​1999/​xhtml" href=​"xhtml2fo.xsl"/>
<stylesheet ns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/​office/​word/​2003/​wordml" href=​"[WordMLToFO install directory]/WordMLToFO.xsl"/>
If the XML document has the name space specified here, it can be formatted by itself, without specifying the stylesheet. If the stylesheet is specified when formatting or the stylesheet is specified in the XML document, these are adopted and the setting here will be ignored.
<msxml>child of <xslt-settings>
nameSpecifies the property of MSXML when msxml="true" is specified. The property name is specified by name and the value is specified by value. For the moment, only true or false can be specified as value. That is, the property which needs the other value cannot be specified. There are two types of properties available.
  • Properties specified by the setProperty() method like, setProperty("AllowXsltScript", true);.
  • Properties specified by the value directly like, resolveExternals = true;.
name interpreted as the latter one are as follows:
  • preserveWhiteSpace
  • validateOnParse
  • resolveExternals
In any case other than these, the value is set via the setProperty() method. The character string of name is not checked. It is considered that the following are set as default:
<msxml name="preserveWhiteSpace" value="true"/>
<msxml name="validateOnParse" value="false"/>
<msxml name="resolveExternals" value="true"/>
<msxml name="ServerHTTPRequest" value="true"/>
<msxml name="ProhibitDTD" value="false"/>
<msxml name="AllowDocumentFunction" value="true"/>
<msxml name="AllowXsltScript" value="false"/>
From MSXML6.0, resolveExternals became ResolveExternals (Antenna House Formatter V7.4 accepts both). Also, the default value of this is false when external-entity="false" is specified.
See also MSXML Security Overview. The settings are ignored with non-Windows versions.

Suppose XSLT setting is as follows:

<xslt-settings command="xslt -o &#34;%3&#34; &#34;%1&#34; &#34;%2&#34; %param" param-option="%p=%v">
  <param name="foo" value="123"/>
  <param name="bar" value="&#34;Hello, World&#34;"/>

XSLT Processor runs as follows in order to transform file.xml and file.xsl into file.fo:

xslt -o "file.fo" "file.xml" "file.xsl" foo=123 bar="Hello, World"

As described in the example here, the actual file name given to %1 or %2 includes white space, it's necessary to enclose the file name with quotation mark, “&#34;”.

Analyzer Settings no-LT

These settings are used for automated analysis of the Area Tree. These settings are not effective with Antenna House Formatter V7.4 Lite.

<analyzer-settings>child of <formatter-config>

Specifies whether to perform analysis checks.

end-blank-pagestrueSpecifies whether to analyze the number of blank pages at the end of the document.
end-blank-pages-limit2Allowed number of blank pages at the end of document
hyphentrueSpecifies whether to analyze the number of consecutive lines that end with a hyphen.
hyphen-limit3Allowed number of consecutive lines that end with a hyphen.
line-start-endtrueSpecifies whether to analyze consecutive lines that start, or that end, with the same word.
line-start-limit8Maximum number of characters to compare at the start of a line.
line-start-repeat-limit2Allowed number of lines that start with the same word.
line-end-limit8Maximum number of characters to compare at the end of a line.
line-end-repeat-limit2Allowed number of lines that end with the same word.
lines-aftertrueSpecifies whether to analyze the number of lines after a block.
lines-beforetrueSpecifies whether to analyze the number of lines before a block.
page-widowtrueSpecifies whether to analyze pages that start with a page-level widow.
page-widow-limit-em2.5Minimum width, in 'em' for the current block, of a widow line at the start of a page. If the value is 0, this setting is ignored. A negative value is treated as 0.
page-widow-limit-percent15Minimum width, in percent of the current block width, of a widow line at the start of a page. If the value is 0, this setting is ignored. A negative value is treated as 0.
paragraph-widowtrueSpecifies whether to analyze paragraphs that end with a paragraph-level widow.
paragraph-widow-limit-em2.5Minimum width, in 'em' for the current block, of a widow line at the start of a paragraph. If the value is 0, this setting is ignored. A negative value is treated as 0.
paragraph-widow-limit-percent15Minimum width, in percent of the current block width, of a widow line at the start of a paragraph. If the value is 0, this setting is ignored. A negative value is treated as 0.
river1emEither the maximum allowed cumulative width, in 'em' or as an absolute length, for a river of white-space within a block or the value none to disable river analysis.
river-zone0Maximum allowed width between two non-overlapping spaces on consecutive lines for the spaces to be considered a part of the same river. This setting is ignored when river is none.
unbalanced-spreadtrueSpecifies whether to analyze unbalanced spreads.
unbalanced-spread-limit0Allowed height difference, in 'pt', for an unbalanced spread. A negative value is treated as 0.
white-spaceXSL-FO Samples CollectionWhite space and line breaks in program code0.40emEither the maximum width, in 'em' or as an absolute length, for white-space between consecutive words on a line or the value none to disable white-space analysis.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <embed-font font="Arial"/>
    <embed-font font="Courier New"/>
  <font-settings default-font-family="serif">
      serif="Times New Roman"
      monospace="Courier New"
      cursive="Times New Roman"
      fantasy="Times New Roman"/>
    <font-alias src="MS Mincho" dst="IPAMincho"/>
    <font-alias src="MS Gothic" dst="IPAGothic"/>
  <xslt-settings command="xslt -o &#34;%3&#34; &#34;%1&#34; &#34;%2&#34; %param"
    <param name="foo" value="123"/>
    <param name="bar" value="XYZ"/>