Error Messages
Antenna House Formatter V7.4 shows the following error messages.
Error code | Error level | Error message | Comments |
1 (0001) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: Out of memory. | System error |
2 (0002) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: C++ exception: XXXXX | System error |
3 (0003) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: XXXXX is null. | System error |
4 (0004) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: Argument is out of range. | System error |
6 (0006) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: XXXXX arg is created from a different document. | System error |
7 (0007) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: XXXXX is not an AHAttr object. | System error |
8 (0008) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: XXXXX is an AHAttr that is already an attribute of another AHElement. | System error |
9 (0009) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: XXXXX is not a child of this node. | System error |
11 (000B) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: Cannot set a value on node type: XXXXX | System error |
12 (000C) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: startDocument() must be called just after setOutput(). | System error |
13 (000D) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: attribute() must be called just after startTag(). | System error |
14 (000E) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected endTag(). | System error |
15 (000F) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: End tag </XXXXX> does not match the start tag <XXXXX>. | System error |
16 (0010) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: Unexpected docdecl(). | System error |
18 (0012) | 4 | SYSTEM ERROR: Unsupported node type. | System error |
67 (0043) | 4 | Cannot open file: XXXXX | |
68 (0044) | 4 | Unexpected end of input stream. | |
69 (0045) | 4 | Output stream is not set. | |
70 (0046) | 4 | Input stream error. | |
71 (0047) | 4 | Output stream error. | |
77 (004D) | 4 | Cannot remove temporary file: XXXXX | |
78 (004E) | 4 | Cannot create temporary file: XXXXX | |
113 (0071) | 4 | MSXML CreateInstance failed. | |
114 (0072) | 4 | MSXML COM interface exception. Description : XXXXX | |
115 (0073) | 4 | MSXML parsing error. Reason : XXXXX | |
129 (0081) | 4 | Missing end tag. | |
130 (0082) | 4 | Only one top level element is allowed. | |
131 (0083) | 4 | Invalid root tag name after '<!DOCTYPE'. | |
132 (0084) | 4 | Invalid start tag name. | |
133 (0085) | 4 | Invalid end tag name. | |
134 (0086) | 4 | End tag </XXXXX> does not match the start tag <XXXXX>. | |
135 (0087) | 4 | Undeclared namespace prefix: XXXXX | |
136 (0088) | 4 | Duplicate attribute: XXXXX | |
137 (0089) | 4 | Invalid attribute name: XXXXX | |
138 (008A) | 4 | Missing '=' after attribute name. | |
139 (008B) | 4 | Missing whitespace between attributes. | |
141 (008D) | 4 | Unexpected whitespace after 'XXXXX'. | |
142 (008E) | 4 | Unexpected text at top level of the document. | |
143 (008F) | 4 | Unexpected '<![XXXXX'. | |
144 (0090) | 4 | Unexpected ']]>'. | |
145 (0091) | 4 | Unexpected end of input while looking for CDATA section terminator ']]>'. | |
146 (0092) | 4 | Unexpected end of input while looking for comment terminator '-->'. | |
148 (0094) | 4 | Unexpected DOCTYPE declaration outside of prolog. | |
149 (0095) | 4 | Cannot have multiple DOCTYPE declarations. | |
150 (0096) | 4 | Missing whitespace after 'XXXXX'. | |
151 (0097) | 4 | External ID is expected after 'XXXXX'. | |
152 (0098) | 4 | PubidLiteral is expected after 'XXXXX'. | |
153 (0099) | 4 | SystemLiteral is expected after 'XXXXX'. | |
154 (009A) | 4 | Unexpected end of input in XXXXX declaration. | |
155 (009B) | 4 | Empty entity name. | |
156 (009C) | 4 | Invalid character in entity reference: %XXXXX; | |
159 (009F) | 4 | Entity name is expected after 'XXXXX'. | |
160 (00A0) | 4 | NDATA is expected after 'XXXXX'. | |
161 (00A1) | 4 | Unexpected XML declaration. | |
162 (00A2) | 4 | Missing 'version=' after '<?xml ' in XML declaration. | |
163 (00A3) | 4 | Missing '=' after 'XXXXX' in XML declaration. | |
164 (00A4) | 4 | Missing whitespace after 'XXXXX' in XML declaration. | |
165 (00A5) | 4 | Missing whitespace before 'XXXXX' in XML declaration. | |
166 (00A6) | 4 | Unsupported XML version: X.X | |
167 (00A7) | 4 | Invalid standalone declaration in XML declaration. | |
168 (00A8) | 4 | Invalid syntax in CDATA section. | |
169 (00A9) | 4 | Invalid syntax in comment. | |
170 (00AA) | 4 | Unexpected '<!XXXXX'. | |
171 (00AB) | 4 | The name 'xml' must be lower case: <?XML | |
172 (00AC) | 4 | Missing whitespace after PI target: <?XXXXX | |
173 (00AD) | 4 | Unexpected end of input while looking for PI terminator '?>'. | |
174 (00AE) | 4 | Missing quotation character (' or "). | |
175 (00AF) | 4 | Unexpected end of input while looking for literal terminator X. | |
176 (00B0) | 4 | Unexpected '<' in attribute value. | |
177 (00B1) | 4 | Unexpected whitespace in character reference: &#XXXXX; | |
178 (00B2) | 4 | Invalid character in character reference: &#XXXXX; | |
179 (00B3) | 4 | Invalid Unicode character: &#XXXXX; | |
180 (00B4) | 4 | Invalid character. | |
181 (00B5) | 4 | Unknown or unsupported encoding: XXXXX | |
182 (00B6) | 4 | No-XML document. | |
183 (00B7) | 4 | Unclosed tag: XXXX | |
185 (00B9) | 4 | Conflict encoding: XXXXX | |
186 (00BA) | 4 | Invalid element name: XXXXX | |
187 (00BB) | 4 | Invalid attribute value: XXXXX="XXXXX" | |
188 (00BC) | 4 | External entity is not allowed: 'XXXXX'. | |
189 (00BD) | 4 | Empty attribute name: XXXXX | |
190 (00BE) | 4 | Huge text. | |
513 (0201) | 2 | End tag </XXXXX> does not match the start tag <XXXXX>. | |
514 (0202) | 2 | Reference to undefined entity: %XXXXX; | |
515 (0203) | 2 | Reference to undefined entity: &XXXXX; | |
516 (0204) | 2 | External entity is not allowed: 'XXXXX'. | |
517 (0205) | 2 | Cannot open file: XXXXX | |
518 (0206) | 2 | Not an XML Catalog file: 'XXXXX'. | |
521 (0209) | 2 | Only one top level element is allowed. | |
522 (020A) | 2 | End tag </head> has already been complemented. | |
769 (0301) | 3 | Unexpected character: XXXXX | |
770 (0302) | 3 | Unexpected whitespace after 'XXXXX'. | |
771 (0303) | 3 | Unexpected character '--' in comment | |
897 (0381) | 1 | Unexpected character: XXXXX | |
898 (0382) | 1 | Unexpected whitespace after 'XXXXX'. | |
899 (0383) | 1 | Unexpected character '--' in comment | |
929 (03A1) | 1 | No stylesheet given. | |
930 (03A2) | 1 | Cannot open stylesheet file: XXXXX | |
931 (03A3) | 1 | Empty stylesheet: XXXXX | |
932 (03A4) | 1 | Cannot read stylesheet file: XXXXX | |
933 (03A5) | 1 | Invalid BOM. | |
934 (03A6) | 1 | Conflict @charset 'XXXXX' must be 'XXXXX'. | |
935 (03A7) | 1 | Unsupported encoding 'XXXXX'. | |
936 (03A8) | 1 | Unexpected end of stylesheet. | |
937 (03A9) | 1 | Unexpected @XXXXX. | |
938 (03AA) | 1 | S/CDO/CDC/comment preceded by @charset. | |
939 (03AB) | 1 | Invalid @charset in <style>. | |
940 (03AC) | 1 | Extra @charset exists. | |
941 (03AD) | 1 | Invalid @namespace: expected string. | |
942 (03AE) | 1 | Invalid @import: expected url. | |
943 (03AF) | 1 | Looped @import 'XXXXX'. | |
944 (03B0) | 1 | Cannot place @XXXXX inside @XXXXX. | |
945 (03B1) | 1 | Must place @XXXXX inside @XXXXX. | |
946 (03B2) | 1 | Unknown or unsupported @XXXXX. | |
947 (03B3) | 1 | Missing closing parenthesis. | |
948 (03B4) | 1 | Missing closing square-bracket. | |
949 (03B5) | 1 | Missing colon. | |
950 (03B6) | 1 | Missing semicolon. | |
951 (03B7) | 1 | Missing opening curly-bracket. | |
952 (03B8) | 1 | Missing closing curly-bracket. | |
953 (03B9) | 1 | Unexpected closing curly-bracket. | |
954 (03BA) | 1 | Unexpected token: 'XXXXX'. | |
955 (03BB) | 1 | Invalid simple-selector. | |
956 (03BC) | 1 | Invalid selector after pseudo-element: 'XXXXX'. | |
957 (03BD) | 1 | Invalid type-selector: 'XXXXX'. | |
958 (03BE) | 1 | Invalid class-selector: 'XXXXX'. | |
959 (03BF) | 1 | Invalid attribute-selector: 'XXXXX'. | |
960 (03C0) | 1 | Invalid pseudo-selector. | |
962 (03C2) | 1 | Invalid property name: XXXXX. | |
963 (03C3) | 1 | Invalid property value: XXXXX: XXXXX. | |
964 (03C4) | 1 | Invalid term: 'XXXXX'. | |
965 (03C5) | 1 | Undefined namespace-prefix: 'XXXXX'. | |
966 (03C6) | 1 | Invalid media-query: 'XXXXX'. | |
967 (03C7) | 1 | Unknown media-type: 'XXXXX'. | |
968 (03C8) | 1 | Unknown media-feature: 'XXXXX'. | |
969 (03C9) | 1 | Missing opening-parenthesis for media expression. | |
970 (03CA) | 1 | Missing closing-parenthesis for media expression. | |
971 (03CB) | 1 | Missing media-feature. | |
972 (03CC) | 1 | Missing @media block. | |
973 (03CD) | 1 | Empty page-selector. | |
974 (03CE) | 1 | Invalid page-selector: 'XXXXX'. | |
975 (03CF) | 1 | Invalid pseudo-page-selector: 'XXXXX'. | |
976 (03D0) | 1 | Missing counter-style-name. | |
977 (03D1) | 1 | Looped variable reference: XXXXX. | |
978 (03D2) | 1 | Invalid var argument: XXXXX. | |
979 (03D3) | 1 | Too few function arguments: XXXXX. | |
980 (03D4) | 1 | Too many function arguments: XXXXX. | |
981 (03D5) | 1 | Cannot be combined any other values: XXXXX. | |
983 (03D7) | 1 | Invalid pseudo element: ::XXXXX. | |
984 (03D8) | 1 | Invalid nested pseudo class :has(XXXXX). | |
1009 (03F1) | 1 | No comma between function arguments: XXXXX. | |
1010 (03F2) | 1 | Undefined variable: XXXXX. | |
1011 (03F3) | 1 | Unknown or unsupported pseudo element: ::XXXXX. | |
1012 (03F4) | 1 | Unknown or unsupported pseudo class: :XXXXX. | |
1025 (0401) | 4 | XXXXX is not specified. | |
1026 (0402) | 4 | FontConfig file is not found: XXXXX | |
1027 (0403) | 4 | No <font-folder> in XXXXX | |
1028 (0404) | 4 | Unexpected start tag: <XXX> in XXXXX | |
1029 (0405) | 4 | Unexpected end tag: </XXX> in XXXXX | |
1030 (0406) | 4 | Invalid value: <XXX XXX="XXX"> in XXXXX | |
1031 (0407) | 4 | Empty value: <XXX XXX> in XXX | |
1032 (0408) | 4 | No-file path is not allowed: <XXX XXX="XXX"> in XXXXX | |
1033 (0409) | 4 | Relative path is not allowed: <XXX XXX="XXX"> in XXXXX | |
1034 (040A) | 4 | Already registered value: <XXX XXX="XXX"> in XXXXX | |
1035 (040B) | 4 | Invalid font file extension: <XXX XXX="XXX"> in XXXXX | |
1036 (040C) | 4 | Font file must be base file name: <XXX XXX="XXX"> in XXXXX | |
1037 (040D) | 4 | Not an integer value: <XXX XXX="XXX"> in XXXXX | |
1921 (0781) | 1 | Font read error: XXXXX | |
1923 (0783) | 1 | Glyph-list open error: XXXXX | |
1924 (0784) | 1 | Glyph-list read error: XXXXX | |
1925 (0785) | 1 | Cannot read printer font: XXXXX | |
1926 (0786) | 1 | Cannot read font information: XXXXX | |
1928 (0788) | 1 | Font file error: XXXXX | |
1929 (0789) | 1 | Font file error: XXXXX | |
1930 (078A) | 1 | Already registered font-face font: XXXXX | |
1931 (078B) | 1 | Cannot open font-face font: XXXXX | |
1932 (078C) | 1 | Cannot create font-face font: XXXXX | |
1933 (078D) | 1 | Cannot read font-face font information: XXXXX | |
1934 (078E) | 1 | Cannot make raster image of glyph: XXXXX | |
1944 (0798) | 1 | Unsupported font-face font: XXXXX | |
1945 (0799) | 1 | Unembeddable font-face font: XXXXX | |
8193 (2001) | 4 | XSLT Processor is not given. | |
8194 (2002) | 4 | No XSL Stylesheet is specified. | |
8195 (2003) | 4 | FO transformation failed. | |
8196 (2004) | 4 | Cannot find MSXML. | |
8197 (2005) | 4 | Cannot load file to XMLDomDocument. | |
8198 (2006) | 4 | Cannot load XSL Stylesheet. | |
8199 (2007) | 4 | Invalid XSL Stylesheet. | |
8200 (2008) | 4 | Cannot find <fo:root> in FO. | |
8201 (2009) | 4 | Invalid name space in FO. | |
8202 (200A) | 4 | Cannot execute external XSLT Processor. | |
8205 (200D) | 4 | Transformed FO is invalid. | |
8206 (200E) | 4 | FO transformation failed. | |
8208 (2010) | 4 | FO transformation by MSXML DOM failed. | |
8209 (2011) | 4 | Cannot create the pipe for XSLT Processor. | |
8210 (2012) | 4 | Cannot read from the pipe for XSLT Processor. | |
9103 (238F) | 1 | XXXXX. | xsl:message output |
10241 (2801) | 4 | XXXXX is not given. | |
10242 (2802) | 4 | Next page-master with master-name="XXXXX" is not found. | |
10243 (2803) | 4 | Page-master with master-name="XXXXX" is not found. | |
10244 (2804) | 4 | fo:flow is not assigned on page: master-name="XXXXX". | |
10245 (2805) | 4 | Unassigned flow: flow-name="XXXXX" | |
10246 (2806) | 4 | fo:flow-map with flow-map-name="XXXXX" is not found. | |
10247 (2807) | 4 | Incorrect flow-map (mixture of fo:static-content and fo:flow): flow-map-name="XXXXX". | |
10248 (2808) | 4 | Incorrect flow-map (same flow-name): flow-map-name="XXXXX", flow-name="XXXXX". | |
10249 (2809) | 4 | Incorrect flow-map (same region-name): flow-map-name="XXXXX", region-name="XXXXX". | |
10250 (280A) | 4 | Duplicated change-bar-class: 'XXXXX'. | |
10251 (280B) | 4 | Missing region-body flow: master-name="XXXXX". | |
10252 (280C) | 4 | Contradictory value of attribute 'XXXXX' with the same form-field name 'XXXXX'. | |
10253 (280D) | 4 | Incorrect flow-map (not found flow-name): flow-map-name="XXXXX", flow-name="XXXXX". | |
10254 (280E) | 4 | Unresolved internal-destination: "XXXXX". | |
10255 (280F) | 4 | This document requires version XXXXX or later. | |
10256 (2810) | 4 | No corresponding area on first spread page for spread region: XXXXX | |
10753 (2A01) | 2 | Unknown FO element: 'XXXXX'. | |
10754 (2A02) | 2 | Unknown property: 'XXXXX'. | |
10755 (2A03) | 2 | Unexpected FO element: 'XXXXX'. | |
10756 (2A04) | 2 | Unexpected FO element: 'XXXXX'. | |
10758 (2A06) | 2 | Unexpected element: 'XXXXX'. | |
10759 (2A07) | 2 | Unexpected element: 'XXXXX'. | |
10760 (2A08) | 2 | Unexpected text: 'XXXXX'. | |
10761 (2A09) | 2 | Invalid property value: XXXXX="XXXXX" | |
10762 (2A0A) | 2 | Invalid compound property: 'XXXXX' | |
10763 (2A0B) | 2 | Unknown extension property: 'XXXXX' | |
10764 (2A0C) | 2 | Missing required property value: 'XXXXX' on XXXXX. | |
10765 (2A0D) | 2 | Satisfied conditional-page-master-reference is not found in fo:page-sequence-master master-name="XXXXX". | |
10767 (2A0F) | 2 | Sub-sequence-specifiers in fo:page-sequence-master master-name="XXXXX" are exhausted. | |
10768 (2A10) | 2 | Duplicate id value: id="XXXXX". | |
10769 (2A11) | 2 | Unresolved id value: "XXXXX". | |
10771 (2A13) | 2 | Not yet supported: XXXXX. | |
10772 (2A14) | 2 | Duplicate color-profile-name: XXXXX. | |
10774 (2A16) | 2 | Expected FO element: 'XXXXX'. | |
10775 (2A17) | 2 | Ambiguous conditional-page-master-references are found in fo:page-sequence-master master-name="XXXXX", master-reference="XXXXX" and "XXXXX". | |
10776 (2A18) | 2 | Duplicate xxxxx-name: "XXXXX". | |
10777 (2A19) | 2 | Unresolved index-key value: "XXXXX". | |
10778 (2A1A) | 2 | Empty contents: 'XXXXX'. | |
10779 (2A1B) | 2 | Expected element: 'XXXXX'. | |
10780 (2A1C) | 2 | Contradictory value of attribute 'XXXXX' with the same form-field name 'XXXXX'. | |
10781 (2A1D) | 2 | Unsupported function argument: XXXXX(XXXXX). | |
10782 (2A1E) | 2 | Unresolved internal-destination: "XXXXX". | |
10783 (2A1F) | 2 | Insufficient property value: XXXXX="XXXXX". | |
10784 (2A20) | 2 | Unexpected property: 'XXXXX'. | |
10785 (2A21) | 2 | XXXXX is not given. | |
10786 (2A22) | 2 | Unassigned flow: flow-name="XXXXX" | |
10787 (2A23) | 2 | Duplicate flow-name="XXXXX" | |
10788 (2A24) | 2 | Cannot access file: XXXXX | |
10789 (2A25) | 2 | Duplicate region-name: 'XXXXX'. | |
10790 (2A26) | 2 | Different regions have same region-name: 'XXXXX'. | |
10791 (2A27) | 2 | Unexpected 'fo:float' with float-y. | |
10792 (2A28) | 2 | Cannot condense no-width area: Page XX. | |
10793 (2A29) | 2 | Insufficient condense area: Page XX. | V7.4 |
11009 (2B01) | 3 | fo:change-bar-begin with change-bar-class="XXXXX" is not found. | |
11010 (2B02) | 3 | fo:change-bar-end with change-bar-class="XXXXX" is not found. | |
11011 (2B03) | 3 | Unresolved internal-destination: "XXXXX". | |
11139 (2B83) | 1 | Unexpected FO element: 'XXXXX'. | |
11140 (2B84) | 1 | Need block level FO element: 'XXXXX'. | |
11141 (2B85) | 1 | No color value is given in rgb-icc separation: 'XXXXX'. | |
11142 (2B86) | 1 | Unknown PANTONE color name: 'XXXXX'. | |
11144 (2B88) | 1 | Invalid fo:xxxxx with ref-id="XXXXX". | |
11145 (2B89) | 1 | Unresolved internal-destination: "XXXXX". | |
11146 (2B8A) | 1 | Unknown extension element: 'XXXXX'. | |
11148 (2B8C) | 1 | Overlapped table cell: row=XX col=XX. | |
11151 (2B8F) | 1 | Deprecated property: 'XXXXX'. | |
11152 (2B90) | 1 | Deprecated property value: XXXXX="XXXXX". | |
11154 (2B92) | 1 | Obsoleted property: 'XXXXX'. | |
11155 (2B93) | 1 | Obsoleted property value: XXXXX="XXXXX". | |
11156 (2B94) | 1 | Unknown language: 'XXXXX'. | |
11157 (2B95) | 1 | Unknown script: 'XXXXX'. | |
11159 (2B97) | 1 | Ineffective property: XXXXX on XXXXX. | |
11160 (2B98) | 1 | Scale to fit image (XXXXX, XXXXX). | ☞ issue-scale-to-fit |
11161 (2B99) | 1 | Unsupported property value: XXXXX="XXXXX". | |
11162 (2B9A) | 1 | Invalid @charset syntax. | |
11163 (2B9B) | 1 | Unknown or unsupported @charset encoding: 'XXXXXX'. | |
11164 (2B9C) | 1 | Nested fo:page-sequence master-name='XXXXXX'. | |
12802 (3202) | 2 | Missing declaration separator ';': 'XXXXX'. | |
12803 (3203) | 2 | Invalid pseudo element: 'XXXXX'. | |
12804 (3204) | 2 | Unexpected token: 'XXXXX'. | |
12805 (3205) | 2 | Invalid class attribute: 'XXXXX'. | |
12806 (3206) | 2 | Missing attribute name before: ']'. | |
12807 (3207) | 2 | Missing closing parenthesis 'X': unexpected 'XXXXX'. | |
12808 (3208) | 2 | Missing opening parenthesis 'X': unexpected 'XXXXX'. | |
12809 (3209) | 2 | Invalid attribute name: 'XXXXX'. | |
12810 (320A) | 2 | Invalid lang value: 'XXXXX'. | |
12811 (320B) | 2 | Invalid positional condition: 'XXXXX'. | |
12812 (320C) | 2 | Unknown property: 'XXXXX'. | |
12813 (320D) | 2 | Invalid property value: XXXXX: XXXXX | |
12814 (320E) | 2 | Invalid @charset value: 'XXXXX'. | |
12815 (320F) | 2 | Invalid @import url: 'XXXXX'. | |
12816 (3210) | 2 | Invalid @media value: 'XXXXX'. | |
12817 (3211) | 2 | Invalid id attribute: 'XXXXX'. | |
12820 (3214) | 2 | Invalid @namespace url: 'XXXXX'. | |
12821 (3215) | 2 | Missing style in selector: 'XXXXX'. | |
12822 (3216) | 2 | Invalid declaration: 'XXXXX'. | |
12823 (3217) | 2 | Cannot load stylesheet: 'XXXXX'. | |
12824 (3218) | 2 | Insufficient function parameter: 'XXXXX'. | |
12825 (3219) | 2 | Too many function parameters: 'XXXXX'. | |
12826 (321A) | 2 | Invalid function parameter type: function 'XXXXX', parameter 'XXXXX'. | |
12827 (321B) | 2 | @import rules must precede all other rules. | |
12828 (321C) | 2 | Invalid color value: 'XXXXX'. | |
12829 (321D) | 2 | Unknown function call: 'XXXXX()'. | |
12830 (321E) | 2 | Missing or invalid @counter-style name: 'XXXXX'. | |
12831 (321F) | 2 | Missing required property value: 'XXXXX' on XXXXX. | |
12832 (3220) | 2 | Insufficient property value: XXXXX: XXXXX. | |
12833 (3221) | 2 | Unexpected property: 'XXXXX'. | |
12835 (3223) | 2 | Unknown property: 'XXXXX'. | System error |
12836 (3224) | 2 | Invalid selector after pseudo element: 'XXXXX'. | |
12837 (3225) | 2 | Looped variable reference: var(XXXXX). | |
12838 (3226) | 2 | Undefined variable: XXXXX. | |
12840 (3228) | 2 | Invalid compound property: XXXXX. | |
13187 (3383) | 1 | Ignore string-set: XXXXX XXXXX. | |
13188 (3384) | 1 | Obsoleted property value: XXXXX: XXXXX. | |
13189 (3385) | 1 | Unsupported property value: XXXXX: XXXXX. | |
13190 (3386) | 1 | Unexpected token: 'XXXXX'. | |
13191 (3387) | 1 | Cannot specify 'display: XXXX' for the root element. | |
13192 (3388) | 1 | Cannot specify 'display: XXXX' for <XXXX>, must be 'XXXX'. | |
13193 (3389) | 1 | Invalid property value: XXXXX: XXXXX; | |
13194 (338A) | 1 | Invalid color value: XXXXX: XXXXX; | |
13195 (338B) | 1 | Default html.css is not found: XXXXX | |
14337 (3801) | 4 | Invalid Option Setting file. XXXXX | |
14338 (3802) | 4 | Unlicensed formatter type: XXX. | |
14339 (3803) | 4 | No AreaTree: XXXXX | |
14340 (3804) | 4 | Unsupported AreaTree version 'XXX.X': XXXXX | |
14341 (3805) | 4 | Start formatting failure: XXXXX | |
14342 (3806) | 4 | Invalid Operator Dictionary file. XXXXX | |
14343 (3807) | 4 | Invalid page number XXX (expect XXX). | |
14850 (3A02) | 2 | Area overflow: XXXX (inline/block XXpt) Page XX (XX). | Area overflow occurred, by overflow="error-if-overflow" |
14851 (3A03) | 2 | Invalid page number XXX (expect XXX). | |
15107 (3B03) | 3 | Invalid page number XXX (expect XXX). | |
15234 (3B82) | 1 | Area overflow, minor: XXXX (inline/block XXpt) Page XX (XX). | A minor overflow (not greater than the overflow limit) occurred, by overflow="error-if-overflow" with axf:overflow-limit |
15236 (3B84) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines failure: @XXXX. | |
15237 (3B85) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines narrower width: @XXXX. | |
15238 (3B86) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines too large paragraph: @XXXX. | |
15239 (3B87) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines unbreakable: @XXXX. | |
15240 (3B88) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines overflow: @XXXX. | |
15241 (3B89) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines unsupported XXXX: @XXXX. | |
15242 (3B8A) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines unsupported intruded FloatArea: @XXXX. | |
15243 (3B8B) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines unsupported intruded FloatArea: @XXXX. | |
15245 (3B8D) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines unsupported preserved tab-character: @XXXX. | |
15246 (3B8E) | 1 | Breaking Paragraphs into Lines unsupported complex RubyArea: @XXXX. | |
15248 (3B90) | 1 | Invalid page number XXX (expect XXX). | |
15249 (3B91) | 1 | Invalid XXXXX with undefined or unappeared ref-id="XXXXX". | |
15250 (3B92) | 1 | Invalid XXXXX with ref-id="XXXXX" contained inside XXXXX. | |
16385 (4001) | 4 | Printing is canceled. | In case the Cancel button was being pushed in the Print dialog or StartDoc() failed, etc. |
16386 (4002) | 4 | Printer is not found: XXXXX | |
16387 (4003) | 4 | StartPage() failed or canceled. | |
16388 (4004) | 4 | EndPage() failed. | |
16390 (4006) | 4 | PDF output error. | |
16391 (4007) | 4 | PDF output : Font embedding error. | |
16392 (4008) | 4 | PDF output : Encryption error. | |
16393 (4009) | 4 | Cannot open TEXT file. | |
16394 (400A) | 4 | Cannot write TEXT file. | |
16398 (400E) | 4 | PDFLinearizer: Cannot rename PDF file: XXXXX | |
16399 (400F) | 4 | PDFLinearizer: Cannot open PDF file: XXXXX | |
16400 (4010) | 4 | PDFLinearizer error: XXXXX | |
16402 (4012) | 4 | SVG output error: XXXXX | SVG output error |
16403 (4013) | 4 | Unsupported PDF version: XXXXX | |
16404 (4014) | 4 | PostScript output error: XXXXX | |
16407 (4017) | 4 | Unsupported encoding: XXXXX | |
16408 (4018) | 4 | XPS output error: XXXXX | |
16413 (401D) | 4 | AHPDF error: XXXXX | |
16414 (401E) | 4 | OOXML output error: XXXXX | |
16415 (401F) | 4 | OOXML output from HTML is not supported. | |
16416 (4020) | 4 | Error of Role Map Setting: XXXXX | ☞ Role Map |
16420 (4024) | 4 | Cannot create font for water-mark. | |
16897 (4201) | 2 | File name is not specified: axf:annotation-file-attachment. | ☞ axf:annotation-file-attachment |
16898 (4202) | 2 | Attachment is not found: axf:annotation-file-attachment: XXXXX | ☞ axf:annotation-file-attachment |
16900 (4204) | 2 | Cannot embed the image: XXXXX | |
16901 (4205) | 2 | No ICC profile specified: XXXXX | |
16902 (4206) | 2 | AHPDF error: XXXXX | |
16903 (4207) | 2 | AHPDF warning: XXXXX | |
16904 (4208) | 2 | Unsupported PDF Blend Mode: XXXXX | |
16905 (4209) | 2 | Unsupported PDF Shading Type: XXXXX | |
16906 (420A) | 2 | Unsupported PDF Soft Mask: XXXXX | |
16907 (420B) | 2 | Transparency is not allowed. | |
16908 (420C) | 2 | PDF output warning. | |
16909 (420D) | 2 | Cannot import PDF file: XXXXX | |
16910 (420E) | 2 | Cannot open XMP resource: XXXXX | |
16911 (420F) | 2 | Empty XMP resource: XXXXX | |
16912 (4210) | 2 | Invalid XMP resource: XXXXX | |
16913 (4211) | 2 | Multimedia is not supported on XXXXX. | |
16914 (4212) | 2 | Layer is not supported on XXXXX. | |
16915 (4213) | 2 | Blend Mode is not allowed on XXXXX. | |
16916 (4214) | 2 | OOXML output warning: XXXXX | |
16920 (4218) | 2 | Cannot access file: XXXXX | |
16921 (4219) | 2 | Fault of rendering blur text-shadow: XXXXX | |
16922 (421A) | 2 | Undefined layer name exists: 'XXXXX' | |
16923 (421B) | 2 | Richmedia is not supported on XXXXX. | |
16924 (421C) | 2 | Multimedia doesn't support. Change to Richmedia. : XXXXX | |
16925 (421D) | 2 | Warning of Role Map Setting: XXXXX | ☞ Role Map |
16926 (421E) | 2 | Cannot embed a page with annotation in different positions multiple times. : XXXXX | |
16930 (4222) | 2 | No axf:annotation-file-name is given with data: attachment. | |
16931 (4223) | 2 | Warning of rasterizing process: XXXXX | |
17281 (4381) | 1 | Invalid printer bin number/name: XXXXX | ☞ axf:printer-bin-selection |
17282 (4382) | 1 | Invalid printer duplex: XXXXX | ☞ axf:printer-duplex |
17284 (4384) | 1 | AHPDF information: XXXXX | |
17285 (4385) | 1 | Too long default value of text field 'XXXXX': XXXXX | |
17286 (4386) | 1 | Invalid default value of text field 'XXXXX': XXXXX | |
17287 (4387) | 1 | Invalid format of text field 'XXXXX': XXXXX | |
17288 (4388) | 1 | PostScript output information: XXXXX | |
17289 (4389) | 1 | OOXML output information: XXXXX | |
17290 (438A) | 1 | No effective output intent specified on XXXXX. | |
17291 (438B) | 1 | SVG parsing information: XXXXX. | |
18433 (4801) | 4 | Cannot remove temporary file: XXXXX | |
18434 (4802) | 4 | PDF file is protected by a password | |
18435 (4803) | 4 | Cannot read PDF: XX | System error |
18441 (4809) | 4 | MathML parsing error: XXXXX | |
18442 (480A) | 4 | PDF reading error: XXXXX | |
18449 (4811) | 4 | Office file is encrypted but I can't find the encryption information (Access may be restricted due to rights issues.) | |
18945 (4A01) | 2 | Cannot create temporary file for image. | |
18946 (4A02) | 2 | Graphic file name is not specified. | |
18947 (4A03) | 2 | Cannot load graphic file: XXXXX | |
18948 (4A04) | 2 | Graphic file is not found: XXXXX | |
18949 (4A05) | 2 | Graphic file is broken: XXXXX | |
18950 (4A06) | 2 | Unknown or unsupported graphic file format: XXXXX | |
18952 (4A08) | 2 | SVG parsing error: XXXXX | |
18953 (4A09) | 2 | MathML parsing error: XXXXX | |
18954 (4A0A) | 2 | Cannot create temporary stream for image. | |
18956 (4A0C) | 2 | CGM parsing error XXXXX | |
18958 (4A0E) | 2 | Cannot create Distiller instance. | |
18959 (4A0F) | 2 | Cannot create Ghostscript instance. | |
18960 (4A10) | 2 | Distiller processing failed: XXXXX | |
18961 (4A11) | 2 | Ghostscript processing failed: XXXXX | |
18964 (4A14) | 2 | Missing barcode type. | |
18965 (4A15) | 2 | Unsupported barcode type: XXXXX. | |
18966 (4A16) | 2 | Barcode generation error: XXXXX. | |
18967 (4A17) | 2 | PDF reading warning: XXXXX | |
18968 (4A18) | 2 | Cannot specify this image here: XXXXX | |
18969 (4A19) | 2 | MathML rendering error (XXXXX:XXXXX) | |
18970 (4A1A) | 2 | Graphic file cannot display: XXXXX | |
18971 (4A1B) | 2 | Image preprocessing failure:: XXXXX | |
18972 (4A1C) | 2 | Image preprocessing warning:: XXXXX | |
19201 (4B01) | 3 | PDF reading error: XXXXX | |
19329 (4B81) | 1 | Graphic file has no EPS preview: XXXXX | |
19330 (4B82) | 1 | Conflict media-type: XXXXX actually XXXXX | |
19331 (4B83) | 1 | Unknown media-type: XXXXX | |
19332 (4B84) | 1 | Unknown content-type: XXXXX | |
19333 (4B85) | 1 | SVG parsing information. Reason : XXXXX | |
19334 (4B86) | 1 | JPEG does not end with EOI: XXXXX | |
19335 (4B87) | 1 | Joboptions does not exist: XXXXX | |
19336 (4B88) | 1 | Joboptions is not a file: XXXXX | |
19337 (4B89) | 1 | CGM parsing error XXXXX | |
19339 (4B8B) | 1 | PDF reading information: XXXXX | |
19340 (4B8C) | 1 | MathML rendering information (XXXXX:XXXXX) | |
19341 (4B8D) | 1 | Invalid data is contained @XXXX: XXXXX | |
19342 (4B8E) | 1 | Image preprocessing info:: XXXXX | |
21377 (5381) | 1 | Invalid exception word: XXXXX | |
21443 (53C3) | 1 | 'XXXXXX' does not have xxxx, only has yyyy. | ☞ Font : Restrictions |
22529 (5801) | 4 | Create font error: XXXXX | |
22530 (5802) | 4 | Select font error: XXXXX | |
22531 (5803) | 4 | Missing font family: 'XXXXX'. | ☞ missing-font |
22532 (5804) | 4 | Missing glyph U+XXXX (X) in 'XXXXX'. | ☞ missing-glyph |
22533 (5805) | 4 | Fallbacked glyph U+XXXX (X) to 'XXXXX'. | ☞ fallback-glyph |
22534 (5806) | 4 | Emulated small-caps 'XXXXX'. | ☞ emulated-small-caps |
22535 (5807) | 4 | Emulated italic 'XXXXX'. | ☞ emulated-italic |
23041 (5A01) | 2 | Missing font family: 'XXXXX'. | ☞ missing-font |
23042 (5A02) | 2 | Missing glyph U+XXXX (X) in 'XXXXX'. | ☞ missing-glyph |
23043 (5A03) | 2 | Fallbacked glyph U+XXXX (X) to 'XXXXX'. | ☞ fallback-glyph |
23044 (5A04) | 2 | Emulated small-caps 'XXXXX'. | ☞ emulated-small-caps |
23045 (5A05) | 2 | Emulated italic 'XXXXX'. | ☞ emulated-italic |
23297 (5B01) | 3 | Missing font family: 'XXXXX'. | ☞ missing-font |
23298 (5B02) | 3 | Missing glyph U+XXXX (X) in 'XXXXX'. | ☞ missing-glyph |
23299 (5B03) | 3 | Fallbacked glyph U+XXXX (X) to 'XXXXX'. | ☞ fallback-glyph |
23300 (5B04) | 3 | Emulated small-caps 'XXXXX'. | ☞ emulated-small-caps |
23301 (5B05) | 3 | Emulated italic 'XXXXX'. | ☞ emulated-italic |
23425 (5B81) | 1 | Missing font family: 'XXXXX'. | ☞ missing-font |
23426 (5B82) | 1 | Missing glyph U+XXXX (X) in 'XXXXX'. | ☞ missing-glyph |
23427 (5B83) | 1 | Fallbacked glyph U+XXXX (X) in 'XXXXX'. | ☞ fallback-glyph |
23428 (5B84) | 1 | Cannot find script-font: XXXXX | ☞ script-font |
23429 (5B85) | 1 | Emulated small-caps 'XXXXX'. | ☞ emulated-small-caps |
23430 (5B86) | 1 | Emulated italic 'XXXXX'. | ☞ emulated-italic |
24582 (6006) | 4 | Cannot find license file: XXXXX | |
24583 (6007) | 4 | Permission denied license file: XXXXX | |
24584 (6008) | 4 | Invalid license data: XXXXX | |
24585 (6009) | 4 | Cannot load license file: XXXXX | |
24586 (600A) | 4 | Invalid license file: XXXXX | |
24587 (600B) | 4 | Invalid license file: XXXXX | |
24588 (600C) | 4 | Invalid license file that is for another product: XXXXX | |
24589 (600D) | 4 | Invalid license file that is for another platform: XXXXX | |
24590 (600E) | 4 | Invalid license date: XXXXX | |
24591 (600F) | 4 | Evaluation license is expired: XXXXX | |
24592 (6010) | 4 | Invalid license date: XXXXX | |
24594 (6012) | 4 | No license for command line interface: XXXXX | |
24595 (6013) | 4 | No license for program interface: XXXXX | |
24596 (6014) | 4 | Invalid license type: XXXXX | |
24597 (6015) | 4 | Invalid license version: XXXXX | |
32770 (8002) | 4 | Cannot open work file: XXXXX | |
32771 (8003) | 4 | Cannot create work file: XXXXX | |
32772 (8004) | 4 | Invalid printer name: XXXXX | |
32773 (8005) | 4 | Cannot read printer setting file: XXXXX | |
32774 (8006) | 4 | Invalid Printer setting file: XXXXX | |
32776 (8008) | 4 | PDF output failed. | System error |
32777 (8009) | 4 | Printing failed. | System error |
32778 (800A) | 4 | Formatting failed. | System error |
32779 (800B) | 4 | No page is available to print. | |
32782 (800E) | 4 | No volume is available to print. | |
32783 (800F) | 4 | Cannot separate to multi volumes. | |
32784 (8010) | 4 | Cannot output multi volumes to stream. | |
32785 (8011) | 4 | TEXT output failed. | System error |
32786 (8012) | 4 | NUL output failed. | System error |
32787 (8013) | 4 | Printer name is required. | |
32788 (8014) | 4 | SVG output failed. | System error |
32789 (8015) | 4 | Empty document. | |
32794 (801A) | 4 | AreaTree output failed. | System error |
32796 (801C) | 4 | Invalid XfoCommon version. | |
32799 (801F) | 4 | Output file same as input file: XXXXX | |
32800 (8020) | 4 | PostScript output failed. | System error |
32802 (8022) | 4 | No licensed printer name: XXXXX | |
32803 (8023) | 4 | Invalid license. | |
32804 (8024) | 4 | XPS output failed. | System error |
32805 (8025) | 4 | Cannot create formatting thread (XX). | |
32806 (8026) | 4 | Formatting exception: XXXX | |
32807 (8027) | 4 | No rendering page XX is given. | System error |
32818 (8032) | 4 | Empty output multi volumes. | |
33794 (8402) | 4 | Interface instance is not given. | System error (Java Interface) |
34818 (8802) | 4 | Memory access failed. | System error (COM Interface) |
34819 (8803) | 4 | Cannot open work file. | (COM Interface) |
34820 (8804) | 4 | Cannot read work file. | (COM Interface) |
34821 (8805) | 4 | ASP Response data output failed. | (COM Interface) |
36865 (9001) | 4 | Parameter error: XXXXX | (Command-line) |
36866 (9002) | 4 | Cannot transform to FO: XXXXX | (Command-line) |
36867 (9003) | 4 | Printing error: XXXXX | (Command-line) |
37377 (9201) | 2 | Directory not found: XXXXX | (Command-line) |
38913 (9801) | 4 | XSL Stylesheet is not given. | (.NET Interface) |
38914 (9802) | 4 | Attribute index is out of range. | (.NET Interface) |
45953 (B381) | 1 | Consecutive hyphens: XX | Too many consecutive lines end with a hyphen |
45954 (B382) | 1 | Too many blank pages: XXXX | Excessive blank pages at end of document |
45955 (B383) | 1 | Lines starting with the same word: XXXX | Duplicate word at consecutive line start |
45956 (B384) | 1 | Lines ending with the same word: XXXX | Duplicate word at consecutive line end |
45957 (B385) | 1 | Page widow | Page-level widow |
45958 (B386) | 1 | Paragraph widow | Paragraph-level widow |
45959 (B387) | 1 | Left/Right page is longer:: XXXXX | Unbalanced spread |
45960 (B388) | 1 | White-space:: width: XXXXX; limit: XXXXX | White-space |
45961 (B389) | 1 | River:: total: XXXXX; limit: XXXXX; zone: XXXXX | River |
45962 (B38A) | 1 | Lines before:: present: XXXXX; minimum: XXXXX | Number of lines before current block |
45963 (B38B) | 1 | Lines after:: present: XXXXX; minimum: XXXXX | Number of lines after current block |