Office Server Document Converter V11.0 converts workbook files created in Microsoft Excel 97 to 2021 into PDF or SVG. This version also supports conversions into JPEG, PNG, TIFF or Multi-page TIFF. Most Excel chart features can be converted.
Office Server Document Converter V11.0 supports documents created in the following Excel programs:
– Excel Control function for column width and line height by users –
It's a function to adjust the column width and the cell height from outside the program. By specifying the scaling ratio, it's possible to adjust the range of the cell to fit into 1 page.
By specifying the key information saved in the Excel file and the adjustment value to the key, it is made available to make adjustment to the file by users. It's also possible to write and read multiple settings in a file as a parameter set and read. It's also possible to adjust in block without using the key.
The key information means the default font and the printer name saved in the Excel file. The default font is a font set to the cell when creating a new Excel sheet, which also is a base when calculating the table header or column width. One default font is set to a Excel workbook (file). Printer name indicates the printer used for printing set to each sheet.
The target default font and printer name are the one saved in the Excel file respectively. Note that a printer name sometimes isn't preserved. Even when not preserved, the printer name is displayed when opening the printer-related menu in Excel. This is not the printer name saved in the file but the name set in the system.
The size of the column width fluctuates by the difference of the default fonts. By changing the printer, the size may differ, so additional keys are adopted. But there aren't so much situation to use a printer name. By specifying the scaling ratio to the key, the cell included in the page can be adjusted. In addition, we offer the feature to return the default font and printer name as the information when loading. The information can be obtained in the same format as the error message, so you can refer to it when specifying the key.
Prepare the file with the following description and pass it to the program. You can adjust the line height and column width by specifying the adjustment value when converting the file with the key specified.
<printer-name>Printer Name</printer-name>
<font name="Font Name" size="Font Size"/>
<xls-key> ... </xls-key>
<xls-parameter row="Line height adjustment value" col="Column width adjustment value"/>
<!ELEMENT xls-rowcol-controls (xls-rowcol-control*)>
<!ELEMENT xls-rowcol-control (xls-key*,
xls-parameter? ) >
<!ELEMENT xls-key (printer-name?,
font? ) >
<!ELEMENT printer-name (#PCDATA) >
<!ELEMENT xls-parameter EMPTY >
<!ATTLIST xls-parameter row CDATA #IMPLIED
Parameter description
Usage Note
Example of programing
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xls-rowcol-controls SYSTEM "xls-rowcol-controls.dtd">
<xls-key> <font size="10"/> </xls-key>
<xls-key> <font size="8-9" name="MS Gothic"/> </xls-key>
<xls-parameter col="95%" row="82.5%"/>
<xls-parameter col="90%"/>
– Excel function for paper setting by users –
The function to specify the paper settings from outside the program. By specifying the paper size or page orientation for printing, you can get the output differently from the setting of the file.
They are both possible to specify the default value when the paper settings are not saved in the Excel file, and to use the specified value by ignoring the paper setting saved in the Excel file.
The available parameters are paper, paper orientation, top/bottom right/left margins and scaling ratio.
The value first found is adopted in the following order of priority. The setting is independent for every parameter.
Priority order: specified value by user (xlspaper) > specified value saved in the file > specified default value by user (xlspaperdefault) > default value embedded in the program
Parameters for elements can be specified by comma-delimited character strings. The necessary values belongs to the each element can be specified by putting the colon to separate them.
Parameters are interpreted in order from the beginning. When there is a duplicate element specified, the first specified one will be effective.
Parameter description
Example of programing
-xlspaper A4,graph:landscape,100%
The paper size is A4, graphsheet is in horizontal mode, the scaling ratio is 100%, use the margin specified to the file.
-xlspaperdefault custom:1000mm:1200mm,page:2:1,margin:10mm:10mm:15mm:15mm
The paper size is width 1000mm, height 1200mm, The margin for left/top is 10mm, right/bottom is 15mm, scale the sheets so that the number of pages in wide direction is within 2 and the number of pages in tall direction is within 1 page. This setting use the default value. If the xlspaper option is specified at the same time or the settings are saved in the file, the default will not be adopted.
The following are restrictions when converting from MS Excel.
The following are restrictions in the conversions from the MS-Excel Charts.