RTF Transformation

Office Server Document Converter V11.0 converts Microsoft RTF files created with Microsoft Word 97 to 2021 into PDF or SVG. This version also supports conversions to JPEG or PNG or TIFF or Multi-page TIFF.

Transformation Specification

MS RTF Document

Office Server Document Converter V11.0 supports

  • Documents with the ".rtf" extension created with:
    Microsoft Word 97 for Windows
    Microsoft Word 98 for Windows
    Microsoft Word 2000
    Microsoft Word 2002
    Microsoft Word 2003
    Microsoft Word 98 Macintosh Edition
    Microsoft Word 2001 for Macintosh
    Microsoft Word X
    Microsoft Word 2004 for Macintosh
    Microsoft Office Word 2007
    Microsoft Office Word 2010
    Microsoft Office Word 2013
    Microsoft Office Word 2016
    Microsoft Office Word 2019
    Microsoft Office Word 2021

If the RTF file is created with Microsoft Office Word 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/2021, there are some unsupported tags (control words) with this product that cannot be converted.

Tables, shapes will not covert correctly if the RTF file was created with MS Word 2000 (and earlier versions), or if created in a different program.

Restrictions and Limitations

  • Character spacing and line spacing might not be reproduced correctly.
  • The line break position (the character that wraps the line) might differ from that of the original Word file output in Word. As a result, the number of lines in the document might differ from the number of lines in the original Word file output in Word.
  • The page break position (the line that breaks the page) might differ from that of the original Word file output in Word. As a result, the total number of pages in the document might differ from the total number of pages in the original Word file output in Word.
  • Asian typography treatment might not be reproduced correctly.
  • Hyphenation is not outputted.
  • In MS Office, if the font specified for a character doesn't have a corresponding glyph, it might be substituted by another suitable font. These substitutions are not done with this product.
  • Documents containing WMF/EMF that were created in earlier versions of MS Office 95, and saved again in later versions of MS Office 97, might not convert.
  • Embedded and linked objects of OLE cannot be displayed, unless the display information is embedded in the document.
  • Along character string of tens of thousands of characters without the linefeed (CRLF) might fail to convert.
  • Object/text shadows and 3-D effects are not supported.
  • Line gradation in a figure is not supported.
  • When an image is pasted and various effects are given, effects will be disregarded and the image will be outputted in the original color scheme.
  • Outside borders of an image are not supported.
  • Vertical alignment (center, bottom) of text in a text box is not supported.
  • "Widow/Orphan control", "Keep lines together" and "Keep with next" of the paragraph setting are not supported.
  • Boundary lines of a column gap are not supported.
  • Combined characters are outputted with standard letter size in one line.
  • "Tight" and "Through" in Text Wrapping around an object are outputted as the same as "Square".
  • Character shading and borders in a text box are not supported.
  • Diagonal borders in a table cell are not supported.
  • Some line styles in character borders, column borders, tables, cells and page borders are not supported.
  • Page border colors are not supported.
  • The AutoFit function of a table is not fully supported.
  • Cell spacing in a table is not supported.
  • "Track Changes" is not supported. The final edition will be converted.
  • Balloons for Comments and Track Changes are not supported. They are converted without showing the balloon text.
  • Shapes created in Excel/PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/2021 and pasted in Word 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/2021 will not convert.
  • ChartML pasted in Word 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/2021 will not convert.
  • The position of a shape in a vertical writing document will not convert correctly.
  • Expressions made with the "Equation Tools" in Word 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/2021 will be removed during the conversion process.
  • SmartArt graphics are not supported and will be removed during the conversion process.
  • WordML files created with MS Office 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019/2021 saved in the compatiblity mode as 2003 files are not supported.
  • ActiveX controls cannot be displayed. (It might if the information for display is embedded in the document.)
  • "Picture Styles" are not supported. Images will be outputted without the specified picture style.
  • "Shadow", "Reflection", "Glow", "Soft Edges", "3-D Format", and "3-D Rotation" in the "Picture Effects" section are not supported. Images will be outputted without the specified picture effects.
  • Only a single filled color is effective with "Text Effects" in the "Font" section; transparency will be ignored.
  • Tables might not be set correctly.
  • The output position of shapes might not be correct.
  • Ruby is not supported.
  • Enclosed alphanumerics are not supported.
  • Tate-chu-yoko is not supported.
  • Footnote reference characters might not convert correctly.
  • Text box links are not supported.
  • The position of shapes and other objects placed in columns or above anchors, and the text wrapping around those shapes and objects, might not convert correctly.
  • The order of the shapes (Front/Back) might be swapped depending on the location of the shape anchor.
  • Shape positions with anchors in table cells might be misaligned.
  • Some of the transformed text in WordArt might not be reproduced.
  • Image Control (Grayscale, Black and white and Washout) are not supported.