Embedding linked images

Embedding linked images in Word API is the feature to import a linked image into a file that refers to.

Insert image

There are three ways to determine the image selected in Microsoft Word [Insert]-[Pictures]-[This Device].


The selected image will be included in the document by selecting [Insert] on the File Explorer screen.

The selected image is written to the document as a link by selecting [Link to File] on the Explorer screen.
Because the image displayed in the document is just a reference, it cannot be displayed if the reference destination is deleted or moved, or if the document is copied to another PC.

The selected image is included in the document and written to the document as a link by selecting [Insert and Link] on the File Explorer screen.
It is different from the Link, the original image is saved in a file, so it will not disappear.

Examples of images in each format

Here is an example of a file with images inserted. [Insert] (red frame), [Link] (blue frame), and [Insert and link] (green frame).
On the left is an figure at the time of creation, where the target image is stored in the Imgs folder.
The Imgs folder is then renamed to the Imgs2 folder.
The right figure shows the file when it is opened again, and the image inserted by [Link] shows an error.

Broken Link

Embedding linked image in Word API

In Word API, embedding linked image import a linked image into a file that refers to.
Therefore, after execution, no image error as shown in the example above will occur after renaming a folder or moving a file.

Sample files

[Install directory]/samples/templates/Embedding_linked_images.zip contains sample file for embedding linked images.

The target link is set to the absolute path when the sample file was created.
To check the operation of the sample file, it is necessary to reset the links as follows:
Open the target file and select [Right Click]-[Change Picture]-[This Device] in the "Polyurethane mask" and "Mouse shield" figures and set the target image to [Link to File] or [Insert and Link].