SVG Conformance

Office Server Document Converter V11.0 conforms to W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.1 and supports to render SVG images with a newly developed engine. See also Graphics to learn how to utilize SVG.

The below table shows the implemented SVG elements. They are implemented focusing on basic rendering elements.

CAUTION: This conformance is not for SVG Output.
Element Condition Comments / Attributes
<a> yes
<altGlyph> no
<altGlyphDef> no
<altGlyphItem> no
<animate> no
<animateColor> no
<animateMotion> no
<animateTransform> no
<circle> yes stroke, stroke-width, fill, cx, cy, r
stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset
<clipPath> yes clip-rule
<color-profile> no
<cursor> no
<definition-src> no
<defs> yes
<desc> no
<ellipse> yes stroke, stroke-width, fill, cx, cy, rx, ry
stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset
<feBlend> no
<feColorMatrix> no
<feComponentTransfer> no
<feComposite> no
<feConvolveMatrix> no
<feDiffuseLighting> no
<feDisplacementMap> no
<feDistantLight> no
<feFlood> no
<feFuncA> no
<feFuncB> no
<feFuncG> no
<feFuncR> no
<feGaussianBlur> no
<feImage> no
<feMarge> no
<feMargeNote> no
<feMorphology> no
<feOffset> no
<fePointLight> no
<feTile> no
<feTurbulance> no
<filter> no
<font> no
<font-face> no
<font-face-format> no
<font-face-name> no
<font-face-src> no
<font-face-uri> no
<foreignObject> no
<g> yes
<glyph> no
<glyphRef> no
<hkem> no
<image> yes xlink:href, x, y, width, height
<line> yes stroke, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, x1, y1, x2, y2
stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, marker-start, marker-end
<linearGradient> yes gradientUnits, x1, y1, x2, y2, spreadMethod, gradientTransform
<marker> yes markerUnits, markerWidth, markerHeight, viewBox, refX, refY, orient
<mask> no
<metadata> no
<missing-glyph> no
<mpath> no
<path> yes stroke, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, fill, fill-rule, d
stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, marker-start, marker-mid, marker-end
<pattern> yes id, patternUnits, xlink:href, x, y, width, height, viewBox, patternContentUnits, patternTransform
<polygon> yes stroke, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, fill, fill-rule, points
stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, marker-start, marker-mid, marker-end
<polyline> yes stroke, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, points, fill, fill-rule
<radialGradient> yes gradientUnits, cx, cy, r, fx, fy, spreadMethod, gradientTransform
<rect> yes stroke, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, fill, x, y, width, height, rx, ry
stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset
<script> no
<set> no
<stop> yes stop-color, offset (stop-opacity)
<style> partial type
<svg> yes xmlns=""
<switch> partial The child element which has the "requiredFeatures" or the "requiredExtensions" attribute is ignored.
The child element with the "systemLanguage" attribute that matches to the language of running environment, or the first element which doesn't have the "systemLanguage" attribute is effective.
<symbol> yes
<text> yes stroke, stroke-width, stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, fill, x, y, dx, dy, rotate, text-anchor, font-family, writing-mode, font-weight, font-style, font-variant, (font-size-adjust,) font-size, letter-spacing, word-spacing, xml:space, baseline-shift
stroke-dasharray, stroke-dashoffset, font-stretch
<textPath> no
<title> no
<tref> yes
<tspan> yes same as <text>
<use> yes xlink:href, x, y, width, height
<view> no
<vkern> no

The attributes in parentheses in the table above are not implemented. The following attributes/functions are implemented and commonly used.

SVG in gzip file format is also supported.
