Option Setting File

The Option Setting File is an XML file which describes the operating setup for Office Server Document Converter V11.0. It can be loaded by the -i option in Command-line Interface, etc.

The following are the elements of the Option Setting File:

Element Location Description
<formatter-config> root element The root element of the Office Server Document Converter V11.0 Option Setting File.
<formatter-settings> child of <formatter-config> The element of Formatter Settings.
<font-settings> child of <formatter-config> The element of Font Settings.
<script-font> child of <font-settings> The element of generic font settings for each script.
<font-alias> child of <font-settings> The element of font alias settings.
<inx-settings> child of <formatter-config> The element of INX Output Settings.
<mathml-settings> child of <formatter-config> The element of Math Equations Settings.
<word-settings> child of <formatter-config> The element of MS-Word Track Changes.
<dfv-settings> child of <formatter-config> The element of Office.

Formatter Settings

These settings are used for the formatting.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<formatter-settings> child of <formatter-config> watermark-font-family sans-serif Specifies the font family to the character string which you set to watermark-text.
watermark-opacity 0.2 Specifies the opacity to the character string which you set to watermark-text.
watermark-font-style normal Specifies the font style to the character string which you set to watermark-text. Possible to specify normal or italic. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version.
watermark-font-weight normal Specifies the font weight to the character string which you set to watermark-text. Possible to specify normal, bold or the numerical value from 100 to 900. This attribute is invalid with the evaluation version.
watermark-text Displays the specified watermark text on each page. Possible to make it multiple lines by delimiting with the line feed “&#10;”. This setting is invalid with the evaluation version.

Font Settings

These settings are used for the fonts.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<font-settings> child of <formatter-config> default-font-family serif Specifies the default generic font family. The choices are serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy or monospace.
missing-font 1 Specifies whether to warn when a font is not found from the specified font family. The following either can be specified:
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
CAUTION: These items cannot be set for issues that occur when rendering various images.
missing-glyph 1 Specifies whether to warn when the glyph corresponding to the specified character is not found in the specified font family. The following either can be specified:
0.No error message will be reported.
1.The level 1 error message will be reported.
2.The level 2 error message will be reported.
CAUTION: These items cannot be set for issues that occur when rendering various images.
missing-glyph-all false Usually the report on missing-glyph is given only once to the same character. However, by specifying missing-glyph-all="true", the report can be given to all. Note that careless specification could cause huge amount of error.
<script-font> child of <font-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary) See also Font Selection script Specifies the script codes for multilingual setting. The available scripts conform to ISO 15924. However, the Office Server Document Converter V11.0 does not support all scripts. The following scripts can be specified here:
  • Latn : Latin
  • Grek : Greek
  • Cyrl : Cyrillic
  • Arab : Arabic
  • Hebr : Hebrew
  • Deva : Devanagari
  • Hang : Hangul
  • Hans : Han (Chinese Simplified)
  • Hant : Han (Chinese Traditional)
  • Jpan : Japanese (Han+Hira+Kana)
For generic fonts you may omit the setting of the script or specify as script="".
serif Specifies the generic serif font when specified by the script.
sans-serif Specifies the generic sans-serif font when specified by the script.
monospace Specifies the generic monospace font when specified by the script.
cursive Specifies the generic cursive font when specified by the script.
fantasy Specifies the generic font for fantasy when specified by the script.
fallback Specifies the fall back font of the script when specified by the script. Two or more fonts can be enumerated by comma-separated values.
<font-alias> child of <font-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary) src Replaces the font name src (source) with dst (destination). This is achieved by specifying an arbitrary font name for src and dst. However, in the following sample:
<font-alias src="A" dst="B">
<font-alias src="B" dst="C">
“A” would never be replaced with “C”. Moreover, the setting for <font-alias> doesn't affect the font name in the Option file.

PDF Output Settings

These settings are used for PDF Output.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<pdf-settings> child of <formatter-config> embed-all-fonts false Specifies whether or not to embed in the PDF all fonts that are embeddable, with one of the following values:
  • false : Only fonts specified in <embed-font> are embedded.
  • true : All fonts that can be embedded will be embedded, except for the Standard 14 Fonts.
  • base14 : All fonts that can be embedded will be embedded, including the Standard 14 Fonts.
embed-font-encoding Specifies the encoding when the TrueType font is embedded. When nothing is specified, Identity-H/V is the default.
  • WinAnsiEncoding
    Specifies WinAnsiEncoding for encoding. If WinAnsiEncoding cannot be specified, Identity-H/V is considered to be specified.
encryption-level 128 Specifies the key length when encrypting the PDF file. Specifies either 40 or 128. These are counted as number of bits of the key length. This attribute is effective with PDF1.4 or later.
  • 40rc4
  • 128rc4 (Effective with PDF1.4 or later)
  • 128aes (Effective with PDF1.6 or later)
  • 256aes (Effective with PDF1.7 or later)
error-on-embed-fault true When an error occurs while embedding fonts, specifies whether to stop formatting as an error or to continue embedding by replacing the character with a white space using the value of true or false. If the value is true, stops formatting as an error. If the value is false, continues executing and outputs PDF by replacing the character with a white space.
error-on-missing-glyph false When the corresponding glyph for the specified character does not exist in the specified font, specifies whether to stop formatting as an error or to continue formatting by using the value of true or false. When true is specified, the processing will end as an error. When false is specified, although PDF is outputted, the character will be displayed as a white space or a small box in PDF for missing glyph.
linearized false Specifies whether to create linearized PDF. If the value is true, creates linearized PDF that is optimized for Web display. If the value is false, creates normal PDF.
no-accessibility false Specifies whether to permit text access for screen reader devices of PDF files with the value of true or false. If false is specified, it is permitted. If true is specified, it is not permitted. This attribute is effective only when you specify PDF1.4 or later. owner-password is required for the permission settings of text access for screen reader devices to be effective.
no-adding-or-changing-comments false Specifies whether to permit adding or changing comments and form fields in the PDF or not with the value of true or false. If the value is false, permits adding or changing. If the value is true, permits no changes or additions are allowed. owner-password is required for the permission settings of adding or changing comments and form fields to be effective.
no-assemble-doc false Specifies whether to permit inserting, deleting and rotating of PDF pages with the value of true or false. If false is specified, it is permitted. If true is specified, it is not permitted. This attribute is effective only when you specify PDF1.4 or later. owner-password is required for the permission settings of inserting, deleting and rotating of PDF pages to be effective.
no-changing false Specifies whether or not to permit making form field and making other changes in the PDF file or not with the value of true or false. If the value is false, changes are permitted. If the value is true, no changes are permitted. owner-password is required for the permission settings of making form field and making other changes to be effective.
no-content-copying false Specifies whether to permit copying the text and the graphics in PDF or not with the value of true or false. If the value is false, permits copying. If the value is true, permits no copying. owner-password is required for the permission settings of copying the text and the graphics to be effective.
no-fill-form false Specifies whether to permit filling in of form fields and signing of the PDF file with the value of true or false. If false is specified, it is permitted. If true is specified, it is not permitted. This attribute is effective only when you specify PDF1.4 or later. owner-password is required for the permission settings of filling in of form fields and signing to be effective.
object-compression false Compresses the object in PDF. It is effective with PDF1.5 or later and text-and-lineart-compression="true" is specified. If true is specified, the object will be compressed, if false is specified, it will not be compressed.
owner-password Sets the strings specified as an owner password. Specify up to 32 ASCII characters. If the characters other than the above are included, it becomes invalid and It is considered that no password is set. The default value is no-password.
CAUTION: The password is described in plaintext in the file. Be very careful when handling files.
pdf-version PDF1.4 Specifies the version of the PDF to create with one of the following values:
  • PDF1.3
  • PDF1.4
  • PDF1.5
  • PDF1.6
  • PDF1.7
  • PDF2.0
  • PDF/A-1b:2005
  • PDF/A-2a:2011
  • PDF/A-2b:2011
  • PDF/A-2u:2011
  • PDF/A-3a:2012
  • PDF/A-3b:2012
  • PDF/A-3u:2012
printing-allowed high-resolution Specifies whether to print the resulting PDF file or not. If high-resolution is specified, it allows to printing in high resolution. low-resolution is effective with PDF1.4 or later. If low-resolution is specified, it allows printing in low resolution. If the PDF version is 1.3, it is handled as high-resolution. If none is specified, it does not allow printing. owner-password is required for the permission settings of printing the PDF file to be effective.
rasterize-resolution 108 A part of a vector image is transformed to a raster image and stored in the PDF. Specifies the value of the rasterize-resolution of the transformed raster images in the range from 70 to 500(dpi). This setting is effective only with Windows versions.
reverse-page false If the value is true, outputs pages in reverse order to PDF.
text-and-lineart-compression true Specifies whether the text and the line art in PDF are compressed in order to make the size of PDF smaller or not. If the value is true, it is compressed. If the value is false, it is not compressed.
user-password Sets the strings specified as a user password. Specify up to 32 ASCII characters. If the characters other than the above are included, it becomes invalid and it is considered that no password is set. The default value is no-password.
CAUTION: The password is described in plaintext in the file. Use care in managing the file.
<embed-font> child of <pdf-settings> (This element can be specified as many times as necessary) font Specifies the fonts that are embedded in the PDF. This element is effective only when embed-all-fonts="false" is specified. When embed-all-fonts="false" is specified and this element is not specified, only the glyphs of the characters that are needed in the PDF output are embedded. When this element is specified and if the font indicated here is used within the formatted results, the glyph of the character currently used will be embedded. For a font that is not specified, embedding is performed only for the glyphs of the characters that are needed in the PDF output.

INX Output Settings

These settings are used for INX Output.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<inx-settings> child of <formatter-config> output-mode text Specify how to generate the text frame of InDesign® from text.
  • text
    Text frame is generated from each text area. This mode can convert most closely to the formatting result. It is sometimes difficult to edit the result using InDesign®.
  • line
    Text frame is generated from each line area.
  • block
    Text frame is generated from each block area. It is easy to edit the result using InDesign®. Instead the conversion precision is lost at expense.

Math Equations Settings

These settings are used for Math Equations.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<mathml-settings> child of <formatter-config> fontfamily Specifies the font to be used. The default value of mathvariant="normal" in Windows versions is:
fontfamily="'STIX', 'STIXGeneral', 'Cambria Math'"
In non-Windows versions:
fontfamily="'STIX', 'STIXGeneral'"
In any cases other than mathvariant="normal", the normal font is the default value.

MS-Word Track Changes Settings

Settings are used for MS-Word Track Changes.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<word-settings> child of <formatter-config>
<track-change> child of <word-settings> ins-property under-line When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text attribute of "Insertions". Specify one of the following values:
  • none
  • bold
  • italic
  • under-line
  • double-under-line
  • strike-through
  • double-strike-through
ins-color none When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text color of "Insertions". Specify one of the following values:
  • none
  • black
  • blue
  • turquoise
  • bright-green
  • pink
  • red
  • yellow
  • white
  • dark-blue
  • teal
  • green
  • violet
  • dark-red
  • dark-yellow
  • gray50
  • gray25
  • classic-red
  • classic-blue
del-property strike-through When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text attribute of "Deletions". Specify one of the following values:
  • none
  • bold
  • italic
  • under-line
  • double-under-line
  • strike-through
  • hidden
  • ^
  • #
  • double-strike-through
del-color none When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text color of "Deletions". The text color that can be specified is the same as ins-color.
move-from-property double-strike-through When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text attribute of "Moved from". The text attribute that can be specified is the same as del-property. This text attribute change is available only when converting from a docx file.
move-from-color green When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text color of "Moved from". The text color that can be specified is the same as ins-color. This text color change is available only when converting from a docx file.
move-to-property double-under-line When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text attribute of "Moved to". The text attribute that can be specified is the same as ins-property. This text attribute change is available only when converting from a docx file.
move-to-color green When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text color of "Moved to". The text color that can be specified is the same as ins-color. This text attribute change is available only when converting from a docx file.
changed-line outside-border When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the position to output marks for "Changed lines". Specify one of the following values:
  • none
  • left-border
  • right-border
  • outside-border
ins-cell-color light-blue When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the background color of the “Inserted cells”. Specify one of the following values:
  • none
  • pink
  • light-blue
  • light-yellow
  • light-purple
  • light-orange
  • light-green
  • gray
del-cell-color pink When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the background color of the "Deleted cells". The background color that can be specified is the same as ins-cell-color.
merge-cell-color light-yellow When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the background color of the "Merged cells". The background color that can be specified is the same as ins-cell-color. This background color change is available only when converting from a docx file.
split-cell-color light-orange When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the background color of the "Split cells". The background color that can be specified is the same as ins-cell-color. This background color change is available only when converting from a docx file.
formatting-property none When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text attribute of "Formatting". The text attribute that can be specified is the same as ins-property.
formatting-color none When outputting Track Changes by Word Track Changes output settings, specify the text color of "Formatting". The text color that can be specified is the same as ins-color.

Office Settings

Settings are used for Office.

Element Location Attribute Default Description
<dfv-settings> child of <formatter-config> textwarp 1 When the WordArt rendering to be the same as in older versions of Office Server Document Converter, specify 0.
<excel-settings> child of <dfv-settings> xls-crlf-space 1 When the line spacing for wrapping in Excel cells to be the same as in older versions of Office Server Document Converter, specify 0.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <font-settings default-font-family="serif">
      serif="Times New Roman"
      monospace="Courier New"
      cursive="Times New Roman"
      fantasy="Times New Roman"/>
    <font-alias src="MS Mincho" dst="IPAMincho"/>
    <font-alias src="MS Gothic" dst="IPAGothic"/>